Bilayer $t$-$J$-$J_perp$ Model and Magnetically Mediated Pairing in the Pressurized Nickelate La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$

Kavli Affiliate: Gang Su | First 5 Authors: Xing-Zhou Qu, Dai-Wei Qu, Jialin Chen, Congjun Wu, Fan Yang | Summary: The recently discovered nickelate superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ has a high transition temperature near 80 K under pressure, which offers additional avenues of unconventional superconductivity. Here with state-of-the-art tensor-network methods, we study a bilayer $t$-$J$-$J_perp$ model for […]

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Poly-MOT: A Polyhedral Framework For 3D Multi-Object Tracking

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Xiaoyu Li, Tao Xie, Dedong Liu, Jinghan Gao, Kun Dai | Summary: 3D Multi-object tracking (MOT) empowers mobile robots to accomplish well-informed motion planning and navigation tasks by providing motion trajectories of surrounding objects. However, existing 3D MOT methods typically employ a single similarity metric and physical […]

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Generating operators of symmetry breaking — from discrete to continuous

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiyuki Kobayashi | First 5 Authors: Toshiyuki Kobayashi, , , , | Summary: Based on the "generating operator" of the Rankin–Cohen brackets introduced in Kobayashi-Pevzner [arXiv:2306.16800], we present a method to construct various fundamental operators with continuous parameters such as invariant trilinear forms on infinite-dimensional representations, the Fourier and the Poisson transforms on […]

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Generating operators of symmetry breaking — from discrete to continuous

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiyuki Kobayashi | First 5 Authors: Toshiyuki Kobayashi, , , , | Summary: Based on the "generating operator" of the Rankin–Cohen brackets introduced in Kobayashi-Pevzner [arXiv:2306.16800], we present a method to construct various fundamental operators with continuous parameters such as invariant trilinear forms on infinite-dimensional representations, the Fourier and the Poisson transforms on […]

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Generating operators of symmetry breaking operators — from discrete to continuous

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiyuki Kobayashi | First 5 Authors: Toshiyuki Kobayashi, , , , | Summary: By using the generating operator of the Rankin-Cohen brackets introduced in Kobayashi-Pevzner [arXiv:2306.16800],we present a trick to produce various non-local intertwining operators with continuous parameter out of a countable set of differential symmetry breaking operators. | Search Query: ArXiv Query: […]

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Note on generating operators of symmetry breaking operators — from discrete to continuous

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiyuki Kobayashi | First 5 Authors: Toshiyuki Kobayashi, , , , | Summary: Via the "generating operator" of the Rankin-Cohen brackets introduced in Kobayashi–Pevzner [arXiv:2306.16800], we present a trick to produce various non-local intertwining operators with continuous parameter out of a countable set of differential symmetry breaking operators. | Search Query: ArXiv Query: […]

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Echoes Beyond Points: Unleashing the Power of Raw Radar Data in Multi-modality Fusion

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Yang Liu, Feng Wang, Naiyan Wang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, | Summary: Radar is ubiquitous in autonomous driving systems due to its low cost and good adaptability to bad weather. Nevertheless, the radar detection performance is usually inferior because its point cloud is sparse and not accurate due to […]

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Echoes Beyond Points: Unleashing the Power of Raw Radar Data in Multi-modality Fusion

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Yang Liu, Feng Wang, Naiyan Wang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, | Summary: Radar is ubiquitous in autonomous driving systems due to its low cost and good adaptability to bad weather. Nevertheless, the radar detection performance is usually inferior because its point cloud is sparse and not accurate due to […]

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Explainable Equivariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics: PELICAN

Kavli Affiliate: David W. Miller | First 5 Authors: Alexander Bogatskiy, Timothy Hoffman, David W. Miller, Jan T. Offermann, Xiaoyang Liu | Summary: PELICAN is a novel permutation equivariant and Lorentz invariant or covariant aggregator network designed to overcome common limitations found in architectures applied to particle physics problems. Compared to many approaches that use […]

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Emergent neural dynamics and geometry for generalization in a transitive inference task

Kavli Affiliate: Daphna Shohamy | Authors: Kenneth Kay, Natalie Biderman, Ramin Khajeh, Manuel Beiran, Christopher J Cueva, Daphna Shohamy, Greg Jensen, Xue-Xin Wei, Vincent P Ferrera and L F Abbott | Summary: Relational cognition — the ability to infer relationships that generalize to novel combinations of objects — is fundamental to human and animal intelligence. […]

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