JWST and ALMA discern the assembly of structural and obscured components in a high-redshift starburst galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: John D. Silverman | First 5 Authors: Zhaoxuan Liu, John D. Silverman, Emanuele Daddi, Annagrazia Puglisi, Alvio Renzini | Summary: We present observations and analysis of the starburst, PACS-819, at z=1.45 ($M_*=10^{10.7}$ M$_{ odot}$), using high-resolution ($0^{prime prime}.1$; 0.8 kpc) ALMA and multi-wavelength JWST images from the COSMOS-Web program. Dissimilar to HST/ACS images […]

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JWST and ALMA discern the assembly of structural and obscured components in a high-redshift starburst galaxy

Kavli Affiliate: John D. Silverman | First 5 Authors: Zhaoxuan Liu, John D. Silverman, Emanuele Daddi, Annagrazia Puglisi, Alvio Renzini | Summary: We present observations and analysis of the starburst, PACS-819, at z=1.45 ($M_*=10^{10.7}$ M$_{ odot}$), using high-resolution ($0^{prime prime}.1$; 0.8 kpc) ALMA and multi-wavelength JWST images from the COSMOS-Web program. Dissimilar to HST/ACS images […]

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The unitary Fermi gas at large charge and large N

Kavli Affiliate: Simeon Hellerman | First 5 Authors: Simeon Hellerman, Daniil Krichevskiy, Domenico Orlando, Vito Pellizzani, Susanne Reffert | Summary: We study the unitary Fermi gas in a harmonic trapping potential starting from a microscopic theory in the limit of large charge and large number of fermion flavors N. In this regime, we present an […]

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The mass profiles of dwarf galaxies from Dark Energy Survey lensing

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Joseph Thornton, Alexandra Amon, Risa H. Wechsler, Susmita Adhikari, Yao-Yuan Mao | Summary: We present a novel approach to extracting dwarf galaxies from photometric data to measure their average halo mass profile with weak lensing. We characterise their stellar mass and redshift distributions with a spectroscopic […]

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A Uniform Analysis of Debris Disks with the Gemini Planet Imager I: An Empirical Search for Perturbations from Planetary Companions in Polarized Light Images

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Katie A. Crotts, Brenda C. Matthews, Gaspard Duchêne, Thomas M. Esposito, Ruobing Dong | Summary: The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) has excelled in imaging debris disks in the near-infrared. The GPI Exoplanet Survey (GPIES) imaged twenty-four debris disks in polarized $H$-band light, while other programs observed half […]

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FlexKnot as a Generalised Model of the Sky-averaged 21-cm Signal at z ~ 6-30 in the Presence of Systematics

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Emma Shen, Dominic Anstey, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Anastasia Fialkov, | Summary: Global 21-cm experiments are built to study the evolution of the Universe between the cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionisation. FlexKnot is a function parameterised by freely moving knots stringed together by splines. Adopting […]

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GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Yiwen Chen, Zilong Chen, Chi Zhang, Feng Wang, Xiaofeng Yang | Summary: 3D editing plays a crucial role in many areas such as gaming and virtual reality. Traditional 3D editing methods, which rely on representations like meshes and point clouds, often fall short in realistically depicting complex […]

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GaussianEditor: Swift and Controllable 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Yiwen Chen, Zilong Chen, Chi Zhang, Feng Wang, Xiaofeng Yang | Summary: 3D editing plays a crucial role in many areas such as gaming and virtual reality. Traditional 3D editing methods, which rely on representations like meshes and point clouds, often fall short in realistically depicting complex […]

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