Reconstitution of renal cyst formation in 3D culture reveals a role for AMOT and Yap1 in determining cyst size.

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Min | Authors: Clark D Wells, Kevin Lange, Abigail F Thompson, Wei Min Xu, Sherry G Clendenon, John S Underwood, Peter Harris, Britney-Shea Herbert, James A. Glazier, Angela Wandinger-Ness and Robert L Bacallao | Summary: Despite substantial progress in identifying and understanding causative mutations in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), little […]

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Synergistic effect of mutations in the Parkinson’s disease-linked proteins synaptojanin 1 and auxilin

Kavli Affiliate: Pietro DeCamilli | Authors: Xin Yi Ng, Yumei Wu, Youneng Lin, Sidra Mohamed Yaqoob, Lois E. Greene, Pietro De Camilli and Mian Cao | Summary: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by defective dopaminergic (DAergic) input to the striatum. Mutations in two genes encoding synaptically-enriched clathrin-uncoating factors, synaptojanin 1 (SJ1) and […]

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Multivariate genetic analysis of personality and cognitive traits reveals abundant pleiotropy and improves prediction

Kavli Affiliate: Anders Dale | Authors: Guy Hindley, Alexey A Shadrin, Dennis van der Meer, Nadine Parker, Weiqiu Cheng, Kevin S O’Connell, Shahram Bahrami, Aihua Lin, Naz Karadag, Borge Holen, Thomas Bjella, Chun Chieh Fan, Torill Uelan, Srdjan Djurovic, Olav B Smeland, Oleksandr Frei, Anders Dale and Ole Andreassen | Summary: Personality and cognition are […]

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Rapidly evolving genes underlie Aedes aegypti mosquito reproductive resilience during drought

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao, Margaret Herre | Authors: Krithika Venkataraman, Nadav Shai, Priyanka Lakhiani, Sarah Zylka, Jieqing Zhao, Margaret Herre, Joshua Zeng, Lauren A Neal, Henrik Molina, Li Zhao and Leslie B Vosshall | Summary: Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes impose a severe global public health burden as vectors of multiple viral pathogens. Under optimal environmental […]

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Cell-specific regulation of gene expression using splicing-dependent frameshifting.

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles, Seth Blackshaw, Richard Huganir, Patrick Kanold, Kristina Nielsen | Authors: Jonathan Ling, Alexei Bygrave, Clayton Santiago, Rogger Carmen, Vickie Trinh, Minzhong Yu, Yini Li, Jeong Han, Kamil Taneja, Ying Liu, Rochinelle Dongmo, Travis Babola, Patrick Parker, Lizhi Jiang, Patrick Leavey, Jennifer Smith, Rachel Vistein, Megan Gimmen, Benjamin Dubner, Patric Teodorescu, THEODOROS […]

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Machine-learning interatomic potential for molecular dynamics simulation of ferroelectric KNbO3 perovskite

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Hao-Cheng Thong, XiaoYang Wang, Han Wang, Linfeng Zhang, Ke Wang | Summary: Ferroelectric perovskites have been ubiquitously applied in piezoelectric devices for decades, among which, eco-friendly lead-free (K,Na)NbO3-based materials have been recently demonstrated to be an excellent candidate for sustainable development. Molecular dynamics is a versatile theoretical […]

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Pomeranchuk Effect and Tunable Quantum Phase Transitions in 3L-MoTe2/WSe2

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Mingjie Zhang, Xuan Zhao, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Zheng Zhu | Summary: Many sought-after exotic states of matter are known to emerge close to quantum phase transitions, such as quantum spin liquids (QSL) and unconventional superconductivity. It is thus desirable to experimentally explore systems that can be […]

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Pomeranchuk Effect and Tunable Quantum Phase Transitions in 3L-MoTe2/WSe2

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Mingjie Zhang, Xuan Zhao, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Zheng Zhu | Summary: Many sought-after exotic states of matter are known to emerge close to quantum phase transitions, such as quantum spin liquids (QSL) and unconventional superconductivity. It is thus desirable to experimentally explore systems that can be […]

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Sequential Offloading for Distributed DNN Computation in Multiuser MEC Systems

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Songfu Cai, Vincent K. N. Lau, , | Summary: This paper studies a sequential task offloading problem for a multiuser mobile edge computing (MEC) system. We consider a dynamic optimization approach, which embraces wireless channel fluctuations and random deep neural network (DNN) task arrivals over […]

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New criterions on nonexistence of periodic orbits of planar dynamical systems and their applications

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Hebai Chen, Hao Yang, Rui Zhang, Xiang Zhang, | Summary: Characterizing existence or not of periodic orbit is a classical problem and it has both theoretical importance and many real applications. Here, several new criterions on nonexistence of periodic orbits of the planar dynamical system $dot x=y,~dot […]

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