Direct Cortical Inputs to Hippocampal Area CA1 Transmit Complementary Signals for Goal-directed Navigation

Kavli Affiliate: Attila Losonczy | Authors: John C Bowler and Attila Losonczy | Summary: Summary The entorhinal cortex (EC) is central to the brain’s navigation system. Its subregions are conventionally thought to compute dichotomous representations for spatial processing: medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) provides a global spatial map, while lateral entorhinal cortex (LEC) encodes specific sensory […]

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The HCN1 hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel enhances evoked GABA release from parvalbumin positive interneurons

Kavli Affiliate: Steven Siegelbaum | Authors: Tobias Bock, Eric W Buss, Olivia M Lofaro, Felix W Leroy, Bina Santoro and Steven A Siegelbaum | Summary: Abstract Hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels generate the cationic Ih current in neurons and regulate the excitability of neuronal networks. The function of HCN channels depends, in part, on their […]

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Converting an allocentric goal into an egocentric steering signal

Kavli Affiliate: Gaby Maimon | Authors: Peter Mussells Pires, L F Abbott and Gaby Maimon | Summary: Abstract Neuronal signals relevant for spatial navigation have been described in many species[1-12], however, a circuit-level understanding of how such signals interact to guide behaviour is lacking. Here we characterize a neuronal circuit in the Drosophila central complex […]

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