Modeling Ride-Sourcing Matching and Pickup Processes based on Additive Gaussian Process Models

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Zheng Zhu, Meng Xu, Yining Di, Xiqun Chen, Jingru Yu | Summary: Matching and pickup processes are core features of ride-sourcing services. Previous studies have adopted abundant analytical models to depict the two processes and obtain operational insights; while the goodness of fit between models and data […]

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The lateral habenula mediates the association of a conditioned stimulus with the absence of an appetitive unconditioned stimulus

Kavli Affiliate: Michela Gallagher | Authors: Dong-Hee Kim, In-Beom Jin, Nam-Heon Kim, Yong-Jae Jeon, Bo-Ryoung Choi, Michela Gallagher and Jung-Soo Han | Summary: The lateral habenula (LHb) has been implicated in conditioned inhibition. Here, the modulating effects of LHb activity on the association of a conditioned stimulus (CS) with the nonoccurrence of an unconditioned stimulus […]

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Deep Geometry Post-Processing for Decompressed Point Clouds

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Xiaoqing Fan, Ge Li, Dingquan Li, Yurui Ren, Wei Gao | Summary: Point cloud compression plays a crucial role in reducing the huge cost of data storage and transmission. However, distortions can be introduced into the decompressed point clouds due to quantization. In this paper, we propose […]

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