Very-High Dynamic Range, 10,000 frames/second Pixel Array Detector for Electron Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Luigi Mele, Maurice Peemen | Summary: Precision and accuracy of quantitative scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) methods such as ptychography, and the mapping of electric, magnetic and strain fields depend on the dose. Reasonable acquisition time requires […]

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On the synthesis of heavy nuclei in protomagnetar outflows and implications for ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Mukul Bhattacharya, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Kohta Murase, , | Summary: It has been suggested that strongly magnetised and rapidly rotating protoneutron stars (PNSs) may produce long duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) originating from stellar core collapse. We explore the steady-state properties and heavy element nucleosynthesis in neutrino-driven winds from […]

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Learning to Disentangle Scenes for Person Re-identification

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Xianghao Zang, Ge Li, Wei Gao, Xiujun Shu, | Summary: There are many challenging problems in the person re-identification (ReID) task, such as the occlusion and scale variation. Existing works usually tried to solve them by employing a one-branch network. This one-branch network needs to be robust […]

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Exploiting Robust Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Xianghao Zang, Ge Li, Wei Gao, Xiujun Shu, | Summary: Unsupervised video person re-identification (reID) methods usually depend on global-level features. And many supervised reID methods employed local-level features and achieved significant performance improvements. However, applying local-level features to unsupervised methods may introduce an unstable performance. To […]

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Provable properties of asymptotic safety in $f(R)$ approximation

Kavli Affiliate: R. Morris | First 5 Authors: Alex Mitchell, Tim R. Morris, Dalius Stulga, , | Summary: We study an $f(R)$ approximation to asymptotic safety, using a family of non-adaptive cutoffs, kept general to test for universality. Matching solutions on the four-dimensional sphere and hyperboloid, we prove properties of any such global fixed point […]

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Video Text Tracking With a Spatio-Temporal Complementary Model

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Yuzhe Gao, Xing Li, Jiajian Zhang, Yu Zhou, Dian Jin | Summary: Text tracking is to track multiple texts in a video,and construct a trajectory for each text. Existing methodstackle this task by utilizing the tracking-by-detection frame-work, i.e., detecting the text instances in each frame andassociating the […]

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KMT-2021-BLG-0912Lb: A microlensing super Earth around a K-type star

Kavli Affiliate: Subo Dong | First 5 Authors: Cheongho Han, Ian A. Bond, Jennifer C. Yee, Weicheng Zang, Michael D. Albrow | Summary: The light curve of the microlensing event KMT-2021-BLG-0912 exhibits a very short anomaly relative to a single-lens single-source form. We investigate the light curve for the purpose of identifying the origin of […]

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Development of MKIDs for measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background with the South Pole Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Erik Shirokoff, Clarence Chang | First 5 Authors: Karia Dibert, Pete Barry, Zhaodi Pan, Adam Anderson, Bradford Benson | Summary: We present details of the design, simulation, and initial test results of prototype detectors for the fourth-generation receiver of the South Pole Telescope (SPT). Optimized for the detection of key secondary anisotropies of […]

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