Rapid accretion state transitions following the tidal disruption event AT2018fyk

Kavli Affiliate: Ronald Remillard | First 5 Authors: Thomas Wevers, Dheeraj R. Pasham, Sjoert van Velzen, James C. A. Miller-Jones, Phil Uttley | Summary: Following a tidal disruption event (TDE), the accretion rate can evolve from quiescent to near-Eddington levels and back over months – years timescales. This provides a unique opportunity to study the […]

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Rapid accretion state transitions following the tidal disruption event AT2018fyk

Kavli Affiliate: Dheeraj R. Pasham | First 5 Authors: Thomas Wevers, Dheeraj R. Pasham, Sjoert van Velzen, James C. A. Miller-Jones, Phil Uttley | Summary: Following a tidal disruption event (TDE), the accretion rate can evolve from quiescent to near-Eddington levels and back over months – years timescales. This provides a unique opportunity to study […]

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Emergent chirality in a polar meron to skyrmion phase transition

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Yu-Tsun Shao, Sujit Das, Zijian Hong, Ruijuan Xu, Swathi Chandrika | Summary: Polar skyrmions are predicted to emerge from the interplay of elastic, electrostatic and gradient energies, in contrast to the key role of the anti-symmetric Dzyalozhinskii-Moriya interaction in magnetic skyrmions. With the discovery of topologically-stable […]

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Dynamic pricing under nested logit demand

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: David Müller, Yurii Nesterov, Vladimir Shikhman, , | Summary: Recently, there is growing interest and need for dynamic pricing algorithms, especially, in the field of online marketplaces by offering smart pricing options for big online stores. We present an approach to adjust prices based on the observed […]

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TIC 168789840: A Sextuply-Eclipsing Sextuple Star System

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher J. Burke | First 5 Authors: Brian P. Powell, Veselin B. Kostov, Saul A. Rappaport, Tamas Borkovits, Petr Zasche | Summary: We report the discovery of a sextuply-eclipsing sextuple star system from TESS data, TIC 168789840, also known as TYC 7037-89-1, the first known sextuple system consisting of three eclipsing binaries. The […]

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Quantum Information Theory of the Gravitational Anomaly

Kavli Affiliate: Simeon Hellerman | First 5 Authors: Simeon Hellerman, Domenico Orlando, Masataka Watanabe, , | Summary: We show that the standard notion of entanglement is not defined for gravitationally anomalous two-dimensional theories because they do not admit a local tensor factorization of the Hilbert space into local Hilbert spaces. Qualitatively, the modular flow cannot […]

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Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter: Dark E-Field Radio Pilot Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham | First 5 Authors: Benjamin Godfrey, J. Anthony Tyson, Seth Hillbrand, Jon Balajthy, Daniel Polin | Summary: We are building an experiment to search for dark matter in the form of dark photons in the nano- to milli-eV mass range. This experiment is the electromagnetic dual of magnetic detector dark radio […]

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TOI-1259Ab — a gas giant planet with 2.7% deep transits and a bound white dwarf companion

Kavli Affiliate: George Ricker | First 5 Authors: David V. Martin, Kareem El-Badry, Vedad Kunovac Hodžić, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud, Ruth Angus | Summary: We present TOI-1259Ab, a 1.0 Rjup gas giant planet transiting a 0.71 Rsun K-dwarf on a 3.48 day orbit. The system also contains a bound white dwarf companion TOI-1259B with […]

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Exact uniform modulus of continuity and Chung’s LIL for the generalized fractional Brownian motion

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Ran Wang, Yimin Xiao, , , | Summary: The generalized fractional Brownian motion (GFBM) $X:={X(t)}_{tge0}$ with parameters $gamma in [0, 1)$ and $alphain left(-frac12+frac{gamma}{2}, , frac12+frac{gamma}{2} right)$ is a centered Gaussian $H$-self-similar process introduced by Pang and Taqqu (2019) as the scaling limit of power-law shot noise […]

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