Floquet chiral hinge modes and their interplay with Weyl physics in a three-dimensional lattice

Kavli Affiliate: Biao Huang

| First 5 Authors: Biao Huang, Viktor Novičenko, André Eckardt, Gediminas Juzeliūnas,

| Summary:

We demonstrate that a three dimensional time-periodically driven (Floquet)
lattice can exhibit chiral hinge states and describe their interplay with Weyl
physics. A peculiar type of the hinge states are enforced by the repeated
boundary reflections with lateral Goos-H"{a}nchen like shifts occurring at the
second-order boundaries of our system. Such chiral hinge modes coexist in a
wide range of parameters regimes with Fermi arc surface states connecting a
pair of Weyl points in a two-band model. We find numerically that these modes
still preserve their locality along the hinge and their chiral nature in the
presence of local defects and other parameter changes. We trace the robustness
of such chiral hinge modes to special band structure unique in a Floquet system
allowing all the eigenstates to be localized in quasi-one-dimensional regions
parallel to each other when open hinge boundaries are introduced. The
implementation of a model featuring both the second-order Floquet skin effect
and the Weyl physics is straightforward with ultracold atoms in optical

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