Precise transit and radial-velocity characterization of a resonant pair: a warm Jupiter TOI-216c and eccentric warm Neptune TOI-216b

Kavli Affiliate: Alan M. Levine | First 5 Authors: Rebekah I. Dawson, Chelsea X. Huang, Rafael Brahm, Karen A. Collins, Melissa J. Hobson | Summary: TOI-216 hosts a pair of warm, large exoplanets discovered by the TESS Mission. These planets were found to be in or near the 2:1 resonance, and both of them exhibit […]

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The Lack of Non-Thermal Motions in Galaxy Cluster Cores

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Jack Sayers, Mauro Sereno, Stefano Ettori, Elena Rasia, Weiguang Cui | Summary: We report the non-thermal pressure fraction (Pnt/Ptot) obtained from a three-dimensional triaxial analysis of 16 galaxy clusters in the CLASH sample using gravitational lensing (GL) data primarily from Subaru and HST, X-ray spectroscopic imaging from […]

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TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME) V: A Sub-Neptune Transiting a Young Star in a Newly Discovered 250 Myr Association

Kavli Affiliate: Gabor Furesz | First 5 Authors: Benjamin M. Tofflemire, Aaron C. Rizzuto, Elisabeth R. Newton, Adam L. Kraus, Andrew W. Mann | Summary: The detection and characterization of young planetary systems offers a direct path to study the processes that shape planet evolution. We report on the discovery of a sub-Neptune-size planet orbiting […]

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TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME) IV: Three small planets orbiting a 120 Myr-old star in the Pisces–Eridanus stream

Kavli Affiliate: Alan M. Levine | First 5 Authors: Elisabeth R. Newton, Andrew W. Mann, Adam L. Kraus, John H. Livingston, Andrew Vanderburg | Summary: Young exoplanets can offer insight into the evolution of planetary atmospheres, compositions, and architectures. We present the discovery of the young planetary system TOI 451 (TIC 257605131, Gaia DR2 4844691297067063424). […]

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Chemically-Localized Resonant Excitons in Silver-Pnictogen Halide Double Perovskites

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Raisa-Ioana Biega, Marina R. Filip, Linn Leppert, Jeffrey B. Neaton, | Summary: Halide double perovskites with alternating silver and pnictogen cations are an emerging family of photoabsorber materials with robust stability and band gaps in the visible range. However, the nature of optical excitations in these […]

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Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to the putative millisecond pulsar population responsible for the Galactic center excess

Kavli Affiliate: Shunsaku Horiuchi | First 5 Authors: Oscar Macias, Harm van Leijen, Deheng Song, Shin’ichiro Ando, Shunsaku Horiuchi | Summary: The leading explanation of the $textit{Fermi}$ Galactic center $gamma$-ray excess is the extended emission from a unresolved population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in the Galactic bulge. Such a population would, along with the prompt […]

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The integrated angular bispectrum of weak lensing

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiya Namikawa | First 5 Authors: Gabriel Jung, Toshiya Namikawa, Michele Liguori, Dipak Munshi, Alan Heavens | Summary: We investigate three-point statistics in weak lensing convergence, through the integrated bispectrum. This statistic involves measuring power spectra in patches, and is thus easy to measure, and avoids the complexity of estimating the very large […]

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Event-Chain Monte-Carlo Simulations of Dense Soft Matter Systems

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: Tobias A. Kampmann, David Müller, Clemens Franz Vorsmann, Lukas Paul Weise, Jan Kierfeld | Summary: We discuss the rejection-free event-chain Monte-Carlo algorithm and several applications to dense soft matter systems. Event-chain Monte-Carlo is an alternative to standard local Markov-chain Monte-Carlo schemes, which are based on detailed balance, […]

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On Stability of Fermionic Superconducting Current in Cosmic String

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Ibe, Shin Kobayashi, Yuhei Nakayama, Satoshi Shirai, | Summary: Recently, the chiral superconductivity of the cosmic string in the axion model has gathered attention. The superconductive nature can alter the standard understanding of the cosmology of the axion model. For example, a string loop with a […]

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