Enhancing a Near-Term Quantum Accelerator’s Instruction Set Architecture for Materials Science Applications

Kavli Affiliate: Leonardo Dicarlo | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zou, Shavindra P. Premaratne, M. Adriaan Rol, Sonika Johri, Viacheslav Ostroukh | Summary: Quantum computers with tens to hundreds of noisy qubits are being developed today. To be useful for real-world applications, we believe that these near-term systems cannot simply be scaled-down non-error-corrected versions of future […]

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NuSTAR and Chandra Observation of the Galactic Center Non-thermal X-ray Filament G0.13-0.11: A Pulsar Wind Nebula Driven Magnetic Filament

Kavli Affiliate: Dheeraj Pasham | First 5 Authors: Shuo Zhang, Zhenlin Zhu, Hui Li, Dheeraj Pasham, Zhiyuan Li | Summary: One of the most unique phenomena in the Galactic center region is the existence of numerous long and narrow filamentary structures within a few hundred parsecs of Sgr A$^{star}$. While more than one than one […]

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NuSTAR and Chandra Observation of the Galactic Center Non-thermal X-ray Filament G0.13-0.11: A Pulsar Wind Nebula Driven Magnetic Filament

Kavli Affiliate: Dheeraj Pasham | First 5 Authors: Shuo Zhang, Zhenlin Zhu, Hui Li, Dheeraj Pasham, Zhiyuan Li | Summary: One of the most unique phenomena in the Galactic center region is the existence of numerous long and narrow filamentary structures within a few hundred parsecs of Sgr A$^{star}$. While more than one than one […]

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Scaling down an insect-size microrobot, HAMR-VI into HAMR-Jr

Kavli Affiliate: Robert J. Wood | First 5 Authors: Kaushik Jayaram, Jennifer Shum, Samantha Castellanos, E. Farrell Helbling, Robert J. Wood | Summary: Here we present HAMR-Jr, a SI{22.5}{millimeter}, SI{320}{milligram} quadrupedal microrobot. With eight independently actuated degrees of freedom, HAMR-Jr is, to our knowledge, the most mechanically dexterous legged robot at its scale and is […]

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Scaling down an insect-size microrobot, HAMR-VI into HAMR-Jr

Kavli Affiliate: Robert J. Wood | First 5 Authors: Kaushik Jayaram, Jennifer Shum, Samantha Castellanos, E. Farrell Helbling, Robert J. Wood | Summary: Here we present HAMR-Jr, a SI{22.5}{millimeter}, SI{320}{milligram} quadrupedal microrobot. With eight independently actuated degrees of freedom, HAMR-Jr is, to our knowledge, the most mechanically dexterous legged robot at its scale and is […]

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Twist Gap and Global Symmetry in Two Dimensions

Kavli Affiliate: Hirosi Ooguri | First 5 Authors: Nathan Benjamin, Hirosi Ooguri, Shu-Heng Shao, Yifan Wang, | Summary: We show that every compact, unitary two-dimensional CFT with an abelian conserved current has vanishing twist gap for charged primary fields with respect to the $mathfrak{u}(1)times$Virasoro algebra. This means that either the chiral algebra is enhanced by […]

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On the Learning Property of Logistic and Softmax Losses for Deep Neural Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Li Xin Li | First 5 Authors: Xiangrui Li, Xin Li, Deng Pan, Dongxiao Zhu, | Summary: Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained with logistic and softmax losses have made significant advancement in visual recognition tasks in computer vision. When training data exhibit class imbalances, the class-wise reweighted version of logistic and softmax […]

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Incorporating electronic information into Machine Learning potential energy surfaces via approaching the ground-state electronic energy as a function of atom-based electronic populations

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Xiaowei Xie, Kristin A. Persson, David W. Small, , | Summary: Machine Learning (ML) approximations to Density Functional Theory (DFT) potential energy surfaces (PESs) are showing great promise for reducing the computational cost of accurate molecular simulations, but at present they are not applicable to varying […]

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Spatially resolved velocity structure in jets of DF Tau and UY Aur A

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Principe | First 5 Authors: Anastasiia V Uvarova, Hans Moritz Günther, David A. Principe, P. Christian Schneider, | Summary: Young stars accrete mass and angular momentum from their circumstellar disks. Some of them also drive outflows, which can be distinguished in optical forbidden emission lines (FELs). We analyze a sample of […]

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A pair of TESS planets spanning the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf LTT 3780

Kavli Affiliate: Christopher Burke | First 5 Authors: Ryan Cloutier, Jason D. Eastman, Joseph E. Rodriguez, Nicola Astudillo-Defru, Xavier Bonfils | Summary: We present the confirmation of two new planets transiting the nearby mid-M dwarf LTT 3780 (TIC 36724087, TOI-732, $V=13.07$, $K_s=8.204$, $R_s$=0.374 R$_{odot}$, $M_s$=0.401 M$_{odot}$, d=22 pc). The two planet candidates are identified in […]

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