Increasing efficiency of high numerical aperture metasurfaces using the grating averaging technique

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Amir Arbabi, Ehsan Arbabi, Mahdad Mansouree, Seunghoon Han, Seyedeh Mahsa Kamali | Summary: One of the important advantages of optical metasurfaces over conventional diffractive optical elements is their capability to efficiently deflect light by large angles. However, metasurfaces are conventionally designed using approaches that are optimal for […]

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Foreground modelling via Gaussian process regression: an application to HERA data

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Abhik Ghosh, Florent Mertens, Gianni Bernardi, Mário G. Santos, Nicholas S. Kern | Summary: The key challenge in the observation of the redshifted 21-cm signal from cosmic reionization is its separation from the much brighter foreground emission. Such separation relies on the different spectral properties of the […]

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Atomic line defects and topological superconductivity in unconventional superconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Fuchun Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yi Zhang, Kun Jiang, Fuchun Zhang, Jian Wang, Ziqiang Wang | Summary: Topological superconductors (TSCs) are correlated quantum states with simultaneous off-diagonal long-range order and nontrivial topological invariants. They produce gapless or zero energy boundary excitations, including Majorana zero modes and chiral Majorana edge states with topologically […]

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