Search for Dark Photon Dark Matter: Dark E-Field Radio Pilot Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Graham | First 5 Authors: Benjamin Godfrey, J. Anthony Tyson, Seth Hillbrand, Jon Balajthy, Daniel Polin | Summary: We are building an experiment to search for dark matter in the form of dark photons in the nano- to milli-eV mass range. This experiment is the electromagnetic dual of magnetic detector dark radio […]

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TOI-1259Ab — a gas giant planet with 2.7% deep transits and a bound white dwarf companion

Kavli Affiliate: George Ricker | First 5 Authors: David V. Martin, Kareem El-Badry, Vedad Kunovac Hodžić, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud, Ruth Angus | Summary: We present TOI-1259Ab, a 1.0 Rjup gas giant planet transiting a 0.71 Rsun K-dwarf on a 3.48 day orbit. The system also contains a bound white dwarf companion TOI-1259B with […]

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Exact uniform modulus of continuity and Chung’s LIL for the generalized fractional Brownian motion

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Ran Wang, Yimin Xiao, , , | Summary: The generalized fractional Brownian motion (GFBM) $X:={X(t)}_{tge0}$ with parameters $gamma in [0, 1)$ and $alphain left(-frac12+frac{gamma}{2}, , frac12+frac{gamma}{2} right)$ is a centered Gaussian $H$-self-similar process introduced by Pang and Taqqu (2019) as the scaling limit of power-law shot noise […]

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The subtlety of Ly-a photons: changing the expected range of the 21-cm signal

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Itamar Reis, Anastasia Fialkov, Rennan Barkana, , | Summary: We present the evolution of the 21-cm signal from cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionization (EoR) in an upgraded model including three subtle effects of Ly-a radiation: Ly-a heating, CMB heating (mediated by Ly-a photons), and multiple […]

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A Novel Modulation Scheme for Homodyne Detection Control

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Danial Shadmany, Benjamin Lane, Vivishek Sudhir, Nergis Mavalvala, | Summary: Controlling the quadrature measured by a homodyne detector is a universal task in continuous-variable quantum optics. However, deriving an error signal that is linear across theentire range of quadrature angles remains an open experimental problem. Here we […]

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The Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) survey: CHIPS1911+4455, a Rapidly-Cooling Core in a Merging Cluster

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Taweewat Somboonpanyakul, Michael McDonald, Matthew Bayliss, Mark Voit, Megan Donahue | Summary: We present high-resolution optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope, X-ray images from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, and optical spectra from the Nordic Optical Telescope for a newly-discovered galaxy cluster, CHIPS1911+4455, at z=0.485+/-0.005. CHIPS1911+4455 was […]

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The Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) survey: Complete sample of extreme BCG clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Michael McDonald | First 5 Authors: Taweewat Somboonpanyakul, Michael McDonald, Massimo Gaspari, Brian Stalder, Antony A. Stark | Summary: We present optical follow-up observations for candidate clusters in the Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) survey, which is designed to find new galaxy clusters with extreme central galaxies that were misidentified as bright […]

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TESS Delivers Five New Hot Giant Planets Orbiting Bright Stars from the Full Frame Images

Kavli Affiliate: Alan M. Levine | First 5 Authors: Joseph E. Rodriguez, Samuel N. Quinn, George Zhou, Andrew Vanderburg, Louise D. Nielsen | Summary: We present the discovery and characterization of five hot and warm Jupiters — TOI-628 b (TIC 281408474; HD 288842), TOI-640 b (TIC 147977348), TOI-1333 b (TIC 395171208, BD+47 3521A), TOI-1478 b […]

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