Pressure-induced superconductivity in flat-band Kagome compounds Pd$_3$P$_2$(S$_{1-x}$Se$_x$)$_8$

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan

| First 5 Authors: Shuo Li, Shuo Han, Shaohua Yan, Yi Cui, Le Wang

| Summary:

We performed high-pressure transport studies on the flat-band Kagome
compounds, Pd$_3$P$_2$(S$_{1-x}$Se$_x$)$_8$ ($x$ = 0, 0.25), with a diamond
anvil cell. For both compounds, the resistivity exhibits an insulating behavior
with pressure up to 17 GPa. With pressure above 20 GPa, a metallic behavior is
observed at high temperatures in Pd$_3$P$_2$S$_8$, and superconductivity
emerges at low temperatures. The onset temperature of superconducting
transition $T_{rm C}$ rises monotonically from 2 K to 5 K and does not
saturate with pressure up to 43 GPa. For the Se-doped compound
Pd$_3$P$_2$(S$_{0.75}$Se$_{0.25}$)$_8$, the $T_{rm C}$ is about 1.5 K higher
than that of the undoped one over the whole pressure range, and reaches 6.5 K
at 43 GPa. The upper critical field with field applied along the $c$ axis at
typical pressures is about 50$%$ of the Pauli limit, suggests a 3D
superconductivity. The Hall coefficient is low and exhibits a peaked behavior
at about 40 K, which suggests a multi-band electronic structure.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Feng Yuan”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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