Automated Insulin Delivery for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Patients using Gaussian Process-based Model Predictive Control

Kavli Affiliate: Francis J. Doyle | First 5 Authors: Lukas Ortmann, Dawei Shi, Eyal Dassau, Francis J. Doyle III, Berno J. E. Misgeld | Summary: The human insulin-glucose metabolism is a time-varying process, which is partly caused by the changing insulin sensitivity of the body. This insulin sensitivity follows a circadian rhythm and its effects […]

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Automated Insulin Delivery for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Patients using Gaussian Process-based Model Predictive Control

Kavli Affiliate: Francis J. Doyle | First 5 Authors: Lukas Ortmann, Dawei Shi, Eyal Dassau, Francis J. Doyle III, Berno J. E. Misgeld | Summary: The human insulin-glucose metabolism is a time-varying process, which is partly caused by the changing insulin sensitivity of the body. This insulin sensitivity follows a circadian rhythm and its effects […]

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Overview and status of EXCLAIM, the experiment for cryogenic large-aperture intensity mapping

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey McMahon | First 5 Authors: Giuseppe Cataldo, Peter Ade, Christopher Anderson, Alyssa Barlis, Emily Barrentine | Summary: The EXperiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM) is a balloon-borne far-infrared telescope that will survey star formation history over cosmological time scales to improve our understanding of why the star formation rate declined at […]

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Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts with late secondary peaks observed from 4U 1608-52

Kavli Affiliate: Deepto Chakrabarty | First 5 Authors: Tolga Guver, Tugba Boztepe, Ersin Gogus, Manoneeta Chakraborty, Tod E. Strohmayer | Summary: We report the temporal and spectral analysis of three thermonuclear X-ray bursts from 4U 1608-52, observed by the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) during and just after the outburst observed from the source […]

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Recovering Density Fields inside Quasar Proximity Zones at $zsim 6$

Kavli Affiliate: Nickolay Y. Gnedin | First 5 Authors: Huanqing Chen, Nickolay Y. Gnedin, , , | Summary: The matter density field at $zsim 6$ is very challenging to probe. One of the traditional probes of the low density IGM that works successfully at lower redshifts is the Lyman-alpha forest in quasar spectra. However, at […]

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Gravitational waves from type II axion-like curvaton model and its implication for NANOGrav result

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Kawasaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Hiromasa Nakatsuka, , , | Summary: The recent report of NANOGrav is gathering attention since its signal can be explained by the stochastic gravitational waves (GWs) with $Omega_{rm GW}sim 10^{-9}$ at $fsim 10^{-8}$Hz. The PBH formation scenario is one of the candidates for the NANOGrav […]

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Anomalies in the gravitational recoil of eccentric black-hole mergers with unequal mass ratios

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Sperhake | First 5 Authors: Miren Radia, Ulrich Sperhake, Emanuele Berti, Robin Croft, | Summary: The radiation of linear momentum imparts a recoil (or "kick") to the center of mass of a merging black hole binary system. Recent numerical relativity calculations have shown that eccentricity can lead to an approximate 25% increase […]

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The cosmology dependence of galaxy clustering and lensing from a hybrid $N$-body-perturbation theory model

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Nickolas Kokron, Joseph DeRose, Shi-Fan Chen, Martin White, Risa H. Wechsler | Summary: We implement a model for the two-point statistics of biased tracers that combines dark matter dynamics from $N$-body simulations with an analytic Lagrangian bias expansion. Using Aemulus, a suite of $N$-body simulations built […]

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Hunting for Dark Matter and New Physics with GECCO

Kavli Affiliate: Sven C. Herrmann | First 5 Authors: Adam Coogan, Alexander Moiseev, Logan Morrison, Stefano Profumo, Matthew G. Baring | Summary: We outline the science opportunities in the areas of searches for dark matter and new physics offered by a proposed future MeV gamma-ray telescope, the Galactic Explorer with a Coded Aperture Mask Compton […]

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Design and Fabrication of Metamaterial Anti-Reflection Coatings for the Simons Observatory

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey J. McMahon | First 5 Authors: Joseph E. Golec, Jeffrey J. McMahon, Aamir M. Ali, Grace E. Chesmore, Leah Cooperrider | Summary: The Simons Observatory (SO) will be a cosmic microwave background (CMB) survey experiment with three small-aperture telescopes and one large-aperture telescope, which will observe from the Atacama Desert in Chile. […]

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