An Exact Solution for the Kinetic Ising Model with Non-Reciprocity

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Gabriel Weiderpass, Mayur Sharma, Savdeep Sethi, , | Summary: A wide range of non-equilibrium phenomena in nature involve non-reciprocal interactions. To understand the novel behaviors that can emerge in such systems, finding tractable models is essential. With this goal, we introduce a non-reciprocal generalization of the kinetic […]

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Solving the Kinetic Ising Model with Non-Reciprocity

Kavli Affiliate: Savdeep Sethi | First 5 Authors: Gabriel Weiderpass, Mayur Sharma, Savdeep Sethi, , | Summary: Non-reciprocal interactions are a generic feature of non-equilibrium systems. We define a non-reciprocal generalization of the kinetic Ising model in one spatial dimension. We solve the model exactly using two different approaches for infinite, semi-infinite and finite systems […]

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Orbital-spin Locking and its Optical Signatures in Altermagnets

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore | First 5 Authors: Marc Vila, Veronika Sunko, Joel E. Moore, , | Summary: Altermagnets, magnetic materials with zero magnetization and spin-split band structure, have gained tremendous attention recently for their rich physics and potential applications. Here, we report on a microscopic tight-binding model that unveils a unique coupling between […]

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Electrostatic interactions define nacubactam potency against OXA-48-like β-lactamases

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Beer | Authors: Joseph F Hoff, Kirsty E Goudar, Michael Beer, Philip Hinchliffe, John M Shaw, Catherine L Tooke, Yuiko Takebayashi, Adrian J Mulholland, Christopher J Schofield and James Spencer | Summary: Carbapenemases, β-lactamases hydrolysing carbapenem antibiotics, severely challenge treatment of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections. OXA-48 is among the most widely disseminated […]

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Hybrid cat-transmon architecture for scalable, hardware-efficient quantum error correction

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Connor T. Hann, Kyungjoo Noh, Harald Putterman, Matthew H. Matheny, Joseph K. Iverson | Summary: Dissipative cat qubits are a promising physical platform for quantum computing, since their large noise bias can enable more hardware-efficient quantum error correction. In this work we theoretically study the long-term prospects […]

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Observable CMB Tensor Modes from Cosmological Phase Transitions

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Kylar Greene, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Yuhsin Tsai, | Summary: A B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background is widely regarded as smoking gun evidence for gravitational waves produced during inflation. Here we demonstrate that tensor perturbations from a cosmological phase transition in the post-inflationary universe […]

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Observable CMB B-modes from Cosmological Phase Transitions

Kavli Affiliate: Gordan Krnjaic | First 5 Authors: Kylar Greene, Aurora Ireland, Gordan Krnjaic, Yuhsin Tsai, | Summary: A B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is widely regarded as smoking gun evidence for gravitational waves produced during inflation. Here we demonstrate that tensor perturbations from a cosmological phase transition can produce a […]

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Model-independent measurement of $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters in $D^0rightarrow K^0_{S}π^+π^-$ decays at Belle and Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle, Belle II Collaborations, :, I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal | Summary: We perform a model-independent measurement of the $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters using samples of $e^+e^-$-collision data collected by the Belle and Belle II experiments that have integrated luminosities of $951 text{fb}^{-1}$ and $408 text{fb}^{-1}$, respectively. Approximately $2.05times10^6$ […]

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Model-independent measurement of $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters in $D^0rightarrow K^0_{S}π^+π^-$ decays at Belle and Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle, Belle II Collaborations, :, I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal | Summary: We perform a model-independent measurement of the $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters using samples of $e^+e^-$-collision data collected by the Belle and Belle II experiments that have integrated luminosities of $951 text{fb}^{-1}$ and $408 text{fb}^{-1}$, respectively. Approximately $2.05times10^6$ […]

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Model-independent measurement of $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters in $D^0rightarrow K^0_{S}π^+π^-$ decays at Belle and Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle, Belle II Collaborations, :, I. Adachi, L. Aggarwal | Summary: We perform a model-independent measurement of the $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters using samples of $e^+e^-$-collision data collected by the Belle and Belle II experiments that have integrated luminosities of $951 text{fb}^{-1}$ and $408 text{fb}^{-1}$, respectively. Approximately $2.05times10^6$ […]

Continue.. Model-independent measurement of $D^0$-$overline{D}{}^0$ mixing parameters in $D^0rightarrow K^0_{S}π^+π^-$ decays at Belle and Belle II