Spectroscopic Studies of the Physical Origin of Environmental Aging Effects on Doped Graphene

Kavli Affiliate: N. C. Yeh | First 5 Authors: J. -K. Chang, C. -C. Hsu, S. -Y. Liu, C. -I Wu, M. Gharib | Summary: The environmental aging effect of doped graphene is investigated as a function of the organic doping species, humidity, and the number of graphene layers adjacent to the dopant by studies […]

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Markov Chains and Unambiguous Automata

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: Christel Baier, Stefan Kiefer, Joachim Klein, David Müller, James Worrell | Summary: Unambiguous automata are nondeterministic automata in which every word has at most one accepting run. In this paper we give a polynomial-time algorithm for model checking discrete-time Markov chains against omega-regular specifications represented as unambiguous […]

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Stellar Variability and Flare Rates from Dome A, Antarctica using 2009 and 2010 CSTAR Observations

Kavli Affiliate: Donald G. York | First 5 Authors: Ryan J. Oelkers, Lucas M. Macri, Lifan Wang, Michael C. B. Ashley, Xiangqun Cui | Summary: The Chinese Small Telescope ARray (CSTAR) carried out high-cadence time-series observations of 20.1 square degrees centered on the South Celestial Pole during the 2008, 2009 & 2010 winter seasons from […]

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A Low-noise Germanium Ionization Spectrometer for Low-background Science

Kavli Affiliate: Juan I. Collar | First 5 Authors: Craig E. Aalseth, Juan I. Collar, Jim Colaresi, James E. Fast, Todd W. Hossbach | Summary: Recent progress on the development of very low noise high purity germanium ionization spectrometers has produced an instrument of 1.2 kg mass and excellent noise performance. The detector was installed […]

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The $ω$-SQUIPT: phase-engineering of Josephson topological materials

Kavli Affiliate: Yu V. Nazarov | First 5 Authors: E. Strambini, S. D’Ambrosio, F. Vischi, F. S. Bergeret, Yu. V. Nazarov | Summary: Multi-terminal superconducting Josephson junctions based on the proximity effect offer the bright opportunity to tailor non trivial quantum states in nanoscale weak-links. These structures can realize exotic topologies in multidimensions as, for […]

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S-folds and 4d N=3 superconformal field theories

Kavli Affiliate: Yuji Tachikawa | First 5 Authors: Ofer Aharony, Yuji Tachikawa, Kiyonori Gomi, , | Summary: S-folds are generalizations of orientifolds in type IIB string theory, such that the geometric identifications are accompanied by non-trivial S-duality transformations. They were recently used by Garcia-Etxebarria and Regalado to provide the first construction of four dimensional N=3 […]

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S-folds and 4d N=3 superconformal field theories

Kavli Affiliate: Yuji Tachikawa | First 5 Authors: Ofer Aharony, Yuji Tachikawa, Kiyonori Gomi, , | Summary: S-folds are generalizations of orientifolds in type IIB string theory, such that the geometric identifications are accompanied by non-trivial S-duality transformations. They were recently used by Garcia-Etxebarria and Regalado to provide the first construction of four dimensional N=3 […]

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Women in physics in the United States: recruitment and retention

Kavli Affiliate: Edmund Bertschinger | First 5 Authors: Nina Abramzon, Patrice Benson, Edmund Bertschinger, Susan Blessing, Geraldine L. Cochran | Summary: Initiatives to increase the number, persistence, and success of women in physics in the US reach pre-teen girls through senior women. Programs exist at both the local and national levels. In addition, researchers have […]

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Towards a mathematical definition of Coulomb branches of $3$-dimensional $mathcal N=4$ gauge theories, II

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: Consider the $3$-dimensional $mathcal N=4$ supersymmetric gauge theory associated with a compact Lie group $G_c$ and its quaternionic representation $mathbf M$. Physicists study its Coulomb branch, which is a noncompact hyper-K"ahler manifold with an $mathrm{SU}(2)$-action, possibly with singularities. […]

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