Extending the spectrum of fully integrated photonics

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry Vahala | First 5 Authors: Minh Tran, Chong Zhang, Theodore Morin, Lin Chang, Sabyasachi Barik | Summary: Integrated photonics has profoundly impacted a wide range of technologies underpinning modern society. The ability to fabricate a complete optical system on a chip offers unrivalled scalability, weight, cost and power efficiency. Over the last […]

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Programming Interactions in Magnetic Handshake Materials

Kavli Affiliate: Paul McEuen | First 5 Authors: Chrisy Xiyu Du, Hanyu Alice Zhang, Tanner Pearson, Jakin Ng, Paul McEuen | Summary: The ability to rapidly manufacture building blocks with specific binding interactions is a key aspect of programmable assembly. Recent developments in DNA nanotechnology and colloidal particle synthesis have significantly advanced our ability to […]

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Illuminating Galaxy Evolution at Cosmic Noon with ISCEA: the Infrared Satellite for Cosmic Evolution Astrophysics

Kavli Affiliate: Bradford Benson | First 5 Authors: Yun Wang, Lee Armus, Andrew Benson, Emanuele Daddi, Andreas Faisst | Summary: ISCEA (Infrared Satellite for Cosmic Evolution Astrophysics) is a small astrophysics mission whose Science Goal is to discover how galaxies evolved in the cosmic web of dark matter at cosmic noon. Its Science Objective is […]

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The TESS Faint Star Search: 1,617 TOIs from the TESS Primary Mission

Kavli Affiliate: George Ricker | First 5 Authors: Michelle Kunimoto, Tansu Daylan, Natalia Guerrero, William Fong, Steve Bryson | Summary: We present the detection of 1,617 new transiting planet candidates, identified in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) full-frame images (FFIs) observed during the Primary Mission (Sectors 1 – 26). These candidates were initially detected […]

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Could TDE outflows produce the PeV neutrino events?

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Han-Ji Wu, Guo-Bin Mou, Kai Wang, Wei Wang, Zhuo Li | Summary: The origin of ultra-high energy neutrinos still lacks observational evidence, besides, the physical mechanism is also unclear. There is an association of a PeV neutrino event (IceCube-191001A) with an optical tidal disruption event (TDE, AT2019dsg) […]

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Dataset of gold nanoparticle sizes and morphologies extracted from literature-mined microscopy images

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Alivisatos | First 5 Authors: Akshay Subramanian, Kevin Cruse, Amalie Trewartha, Xingzhi Wang, A. Paul Alivisatos | Summary: The factors controlling the size and morphology of nanoparticles have so far been poorly understood. Data-driven techniques are an exciting avenue to explore this field through the identification of trends and correlations in data. […]

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Optimizing frequency allocation for fixed-frequency superconducting quantum processors

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Alexis Morvan, Larry Chen, Jeffrey M. Larson, David I. Santiago, Irfan Siddiqi | Summary: Fixed-frequency superconducting quantum processors are one of the most mature quantum computing architectures with high-coherence qubits and low-complexity controls. However, high-fidelity multi-qubit gates pose tight requirements on individual qubit frequencies in these processors […]

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Neutral Gas within 20,000 Schwarzschild radii of Sagittarius A*

Kavli Affiliate: Roger D. Blandford | First 5 Authors: Elena M. Murchikova, Tianshu Wang, Brian Mason, Roger D. Blandford, | Summary: Murchikova et al 2019 discovered a disk of cool ionized gas within 20,000 Schwarzschild radii of the Milky Way’s Galactic Center black hole Sagittarius A*. They further demonstrated that the ionizing photon flux in […]

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Extending the SAGA Survey (xSAGA) I: Satellite Radial Profiles as a Function of Host Galaxy Properties

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: John F. Wu, J. E. G. Peek, Erik J. Tollerud, Yao-Yuan Mao, Ethan O. Nadler | Summary: We present "Extending the Satellites Around Galactic Analogs Survey" (xSAGA), a method for identifying low-$z$ galaxies on the basis of optical imaging, and results on the spatial distributions of […]

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The Pantheon+ Analysis: Improving the Redshifts and Peculiar Velocities of Type Ia Supernovae Used in Cosmological Analyses

Kavli Affiliate: Richard Kessler | First 5 Authors: Anthony Carr, Tamara M. Davis, Daniel Scolnic, Khaled Said, Dillon Brout | Summary: We examine the redshifts of a comprehensive set of published Type Ia supernovae, and provide a combined, improved catalog with updated redshifts. We improve on the original catalogs by using the most up-to-date heliocentric […]

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