Reconstructing the matter power spectrum with future cosmic shear surveys

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou | First 5 Authors: Calvin Preston, Alexandra Amon, George Efstathiou, , | Summary: Analyses of cosmic shear typically condense weak lensing information over a range of scales to a single cosmological parameter, $S_8$. This paper presents a method to extract more information from Stage-IV cosmic shear measurements by directly reconstructing the […]

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Current laboratory performance of starlight suppression systems, and potential pathways to desired Habitable Worlds Observatory exoplanet science capabilities

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager | First 5 Authors: Bertrand Mennesson, Ruslan Belikov, Emiel Por, Eugene Serabyn, Garreth Ruane | Summary: We summarize the current best polychromatic (10 to 20 % bandwidth) contrast performance demonstrated in the laboratory by different starlight suppression approaches and systems designed to directly characterize exoplanets around nearby stars. We present results […]

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Colorectal Cancer Stem Cell Subtypes Orchestrate Distinct Tumor Microenvironments

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Linzi Hosohama, Delia F. Tifrea, Kevin Nee, Sung Yun Park, Jie Wu, Amber N. Habowski, Cassandra Van, Marcus M. Seldin, Robert A. Edwards and Marian L. Waterman | Summary: Several classification systems have been developed to define tumor subtypes in colorectal cancer (CRC). One system proposes that tumor heterogeneity […]

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Suppressed self-diffusion of nanoscale constituents of a complex liquid

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Christian P. N. Tanner, Vivian R. K. Wall, Mumtaz Gababa, Joshua Portner, Ahhyun Jeong | Summary: The ability to understand and ultimately control the transformations and properties of various nanoscale systems, from proteins to synthetic nanomaterial assemblies, hinges on the ability to directly elucidate their dynamics […]

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Origins of suppressed self-diffusion of nanoscale constituents of a complex liquid

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Christian P. N. Tanner, Vivian R. K. Wall, Mumtaz Gababa, Joshua Portner, Ahhyun Jeong | Summary: The ability to understand and ultimately control the transformations and properties of various nanoscale systems, from proteins to synthetic nanomaterial assemblies, hinges on the ability to uncover their dynamics on […]

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Origins of suppressed self-diffusion of nanoscale constituents of a complex liquid

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Christian P. N. Tanner, Vivian R. K. Wall, Mumtaz Gababa, Joshua Portner, Ahhyun Jeong | Summary: The ability to understand and ultimately control the transformations and properties of various nanoscale systems, from proteins to synthetic nanomaterial assemblies, hinges on the ability to uncover their dynamics on […]

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Constraints On Covariant WIMP-Nucleon Effective Field Theory Interactions from the First Science Run of the LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment

Kavli Affiliate: C. M. Ignarra | First 5 Authors: J. Aalbers, D. S. Akerib, A. K. Al Musalhi, F. Alder, C. S. Amarasinghe | Summary: The first science run of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment, a dual-phase xenon time project chamber operating in the Sanford Underground Research Facility in South Dakota, USA, has reported leading limits […]

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PACS-1 variant protein is aberrantly localized in C. elegans model of PACS1/PACS2 syndromes

Kavli Affiliate: Yishi Jin | Authors: Dana T Byrd, Ziyuan Christina Han, Christopher A Piggott and Yishi Jin | Summary: PACS (Phosphofurin Acidic Cluster Sorting Protein) proteins are known for their roles in sorting cargo proteins to organelles and can physically interact with WD40 repeat-containing protein WDR37. PACS1, PACS2, and WDR37 variants are associated with […]

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Sampling Techniques and Genomic Analysis of Biological Material from Artworks

Kavli Affiliate: Thomas P. Sakmar | Authors: Rhonda K Roby, Rosana A Wiscovitch-Russo, Rebecca Hart, Amanda E Appel, Manija A Kazmi, Thomas Huber, Karina C Åberg, Thomas P Sakmar, José A Lorente and Norberto Gonzalez-Juarbe | Summary: The genomic analysis of biological material obtained from artwork or cultural heritage artifacts can be used to guide […]

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The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: the 80-month catalog and source properties of the high-energy emitting AGN and quasar population

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Claire L. Greenwell, Lizelke Klindt, George B. Lansbury, David J. Rosario, David M. Alexander | Summary: We present a catalog of hard X-ray serendipitous sources detected in the first 80 months of observations by the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). The NuSTAR serendipitous survey 80-month (NSS80) catalog […]

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