Categorifying non-commutative deformations

Kavli Affiliate: Alexey Bondal | First 5 Authors: Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, , , | Summary: We define the functor $textrm{ncDef}_{(Z_1,ldots,Z_n)}$ of non-commutative deformations of an $n$-tuple of objects in an arbitrary $k$-linear abelian category $mathcal{Z}$. In our categorified approach, we view the underlying spaces of infinitesimal flat deformations as Deligne finite categories, i.e. finite […]

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Categorifying non-commutative deformations

Kavli Affiliate: Alexey Bondal | First 5 Authors: Agnieszka Bodzenta, Alexey Bondal, , , | Summary: We define the functor $textrm{ncDef}_{(Z_1,ldots,Z_n)}$ of non-commutative deformations of an $n$-tuple of objects in an arbitrary $k$-linear abelian category $mathcal{Z}$. In our categorified approach, we view the underlying spaces of infinitesimal flat deformations as Deligne finite categories, i.e. finite […]

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Revised estimates of CMB $B$-mode polarization induced by patchy reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Challinor | First 5 Authors: Anirban Roy, Girish Kulkarni, P. Daniel Meerburg, Anthony Challinor, Carlo Baccigalupi | Summary: The search for primordial gravitational waves through the $B$-mode polarization pattern in the CMB is one of the major goals of current and future CMB experiments. Besides foregrounds, a potential hurdle in this search […]

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Phase alignment of low-frequency neural activity to the amplitude envelope of speech reflects evoked responses to acoustic edges, not oscillatory entrainment

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Chang | Authors: Yulia Oganian, Katsuaki Kojima, Assaf Breska, Chang Cai, Anne Findlay, Edward F Chang and Srikantan Nagarajan | Summary: Abstract The amplitude envelope of speech is crucial for accurate comprehension. Considered a key stage in speech processing, the phase of neural activity in the theta-delta bands (1 – 10 Hz) […]

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Survey of Gravitationally-lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI). VI. Crowdsourced lens finding with Space Warps

Kavli Affiliate: Philip J. Marshall | First 5 Authors: Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Aprajita Verma, Anupreeta More, Elisabeth Baeten, Christine Macmillan | Summary: Strong lenses are extremely useful probes of the distribution of matter on galaxy and cluster scales at cosmological distances, but are rare and difficult to find. The number of currently known lenses is on […]

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On the Optimal Feedback Law in Stochastic Optimal Nonlinear Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Mohamed Naveed Gul Mohamed, Suman Chakravorty, Raman Goyal, Ran Wang, | Summary: We consider the problem of nonlinear stochastic optimal control. This problem is thought to be fundamentally intractable owing to Bellman’s infamous "curse of dimensionality". We present a result that shows that repeatedly solving an open-loop […]

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On the Feedback Law in Stochastic Optimal Nonlinear Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Mohamed Naveed Gul Mohamed, Suman Chakravorty, Raman Goyal, Ran Wang, | Summary: We consider the problem of nonlinear stochastic optimal control. This problem is thought to be fundamentally intractable owing to Bellman’s infamous "curse of dimensionality". We present a result that shows that repeatedly solving an open-loop […]

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On the Feedback Law in Stochastic Optimal Nonlinear Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Mohamed Naveed Gul Mohamed, Suman Chakravorty, Raman Goyal, Ran Wang, | Summary: We consider the problem of nonlinear stochastic optimal control. This problem is thought to be fundamentally intractable owing to Bellman’s “curse of dimensionality". We present a result that shows that repeatedly solving an open-loop deterministic […]

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On the Feedback Law in Stochastic Optimal Nonlinear Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Mohamed Naveed Gul Mohamed, Suman Chakravorty, Raman Goyal, Ran Wang, | Summary: We consider the problem of nonlinear stochastic optimal control. This problem is thought to be fundamentally intractable owing to Bellman’s "curse of dimensionality". We present a result that shows that repeatedly solving an open-loop deterministic […]

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