Foreground modelling via Gaussian process regression: an application to HERA data

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Abhik Ghosh, Florent Mertens, Gianni Bernardi, Mário G. Santos, Nicholas S. Kern | Summary: The key challenge in the observation of the redshifted 21-cm signal from cosmic reionization is its separation from the much brighter foreground emission. Such separation relies on the different spectral properties of the […]

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Atomic line defects and topological superconductivity in unconventional superconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Fuchun Zhang | First 5 Authors: Yi Zhang, Kun Jiang, Fuchun Zhang, Jian Wang, Ziqiang Wang | Summary: Topological superconductors (TSCs) are correlated quantum states with simultaneous off-diagonal long-range order and nontrivial topological invariants. They produce gapless or zero energy boundary excitations, including Majorana zero modes and chiral Majorana edge states with topologically […]

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Radiative Transfer modeling of EC 53: An Episodically Accreting Class I Young Stellar Object

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Giseon Baek, Benjamin A. MacFarlane, Jeong-Eun Lee, Dimitris Stamatellos, Gregory Herczeg | Summary: In the episodic accretion scenario, a large fraction of the protostellar mass accretes during repeated and large bursts of accretion. Since outbursts on protostars are typically identified at specific wavelengths, interpreting these outbursts requires […]

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Quantum transduction of optical photons from a superconducting qubit

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Mohammad Mirhosseini, Alp Sipahigil, Mahmoud Kalaee, Oskar Painter, | Summary: Bidirectional conversion of electrical and optical signals lies at the foundation of the global internet. Such converters are employed at repeater stations to extend the reach of long-haul fiber optic communication systems and within data centers to […]

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Defect CFT in the 6d (2,0) theory from M2 brane dynamics in AdS$_7 times$S$^4$

Kavli Affiliate: Xinan Zhou | First 5 Authors: Nadav Drukker, Simone Giombi, Arkady A. Tseytlin, Xinan Zhou, | Summary: Surface operators in the 6d (2,0) theory at large $N$ have a holographic description in terms of M2 branes probing the AdS$_7 times S^4$ M-theory background. The most symmetric, 1/2-BPS, operator is defined over a planar […]

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Dendrite Net: A White-Box Module for Classification, Regression, and System Identification

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Gang Liu, Jing Wang, , , | Summary: The simulation of biological dendrite computations is vital for the development of artificial intelligence (AI). This paper presents a basic machine learning algorithm, named Dendrite Net or DD, just like Support Vector Machine (SVM) or Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). DD’s […]

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High dynamic range CdTe mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) for kilohertz imaging of hard x-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Prafull Purohit, Sol M. Gruner | Summary: A hard x-ray, high-speed, high dynamic range scientific x-ray imager is described. The imager is based on the mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) readout chip coupled to a 750 micron […]

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High dynamic range CdTe mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) for kilohertz imaging of hard x-rays

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Hugh T. Philipp, Mark W. Tate, Katherine S. Shanks, Prafull Purohit, Sol M. Gruner | Summary: A hard x-ray, high-speed, high dynamic range scientific x-ray imager is described. The imager is based on the mixed-mode pixel array detector (MM-PAD) readout chip coupled to a 750 micron […]

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Entangled light-matter interactions and spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Szilard Szoke, Hanzhe Liu, Bryce P. Hickam, Manni He, Scott K. Cushing | Summary: Entangled photons exhibit non-classical light-matter interactions that create new opportunities in materials and molecular science. For example, in entangled two-photon absorption, the intensity-dependence scales linearly as if only one photon was present. […]

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Strong Circular Dichroism in Single Gyroid Optical Metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Ulrich Wiesner | First 5 Authors: Cédric Kilchoer, Narjes Abdollahi, James A. Dolan, Doha Abdelrahman, Matthias Saba | Summary: Over the past two decades, metamaterials have led to an increasing number of biosensing and nanophotonic applications due to the possibility of a careful control of light propagating through subwavelength features. Chiral nanostructures (characterized […]

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