Geometric formulation of the Covariant Phase Space methods with boundaries

Kavli Affiliate: J. S. Villasenor | First 5 Authors: Juan Margalef-Bentabol, Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor, , , | Summary: We analyze in full-detail the geometric structure of the covariant phase space (CPS) of any local field theory defined over a space-time with boundary. To this end, we introduce a new frame: the "relative bicomplex framework". […]

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Coarse-Graining Holographic States: A Semiclassical Flow in General Spacetimes

Kavli Affiliate: Yasunori Nomura | First 5 Authors: Chitraang Murdia, Yasunori Nomura, Pratik Rath, , | Summary: Motivated by the understanding of holography as realized in tensor networks, we develop a bulk procedure that can be interpreted as generating a sequence of coarse-grained holographic states. The coarse-graining procedure involves identifying degrees of freedom entangled at […]

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Conductance asymmetries in mesoscopic superconducting devices due to finite bias

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Wimmer | First 5 Authors: André Melo, Chun-Xiao Liu, Piotr Rożek, Tómas Örn Rosdahl, Michael Wimmer | Summary: Tunneling conductance spectroscopy in normal metal-superconductor junctions is an important tool for probing Andreev bound states in mesoscopic superconducting devices, such as Majorana nanowires. In an ideal superconducting device, the subgap conductance obeys specific […]

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Charging-driven coarsening and melting of a colloidal nanoparticle monolayer at an ionic liquid-vacuum interface

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Connor G. Bischak, Jonathan G. Raybin, Jonathon W. Kruppe, Naomi S. Ginsberg, | Summary: We induce and investigate the coarsening and melting dynamics of an initially static nanoparticle colloidal monolayer at an ionic liquid-vacuum interface, driven by a focused, scanning electron beam. Coarsening occurs through grain […]

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Cosmological Constraint on Vector Mediator of Neutrino-Electron Interaction in light of XENON1T Excess

Kavli Affiliate: Satoshi Shirai | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Ibe, Shin Kobayashi, Yuhei Nakayama, Satoshi Shirai, | Summary: Recently, the XENON1T collaboration reported an excess in the electron recoil energy spectrum. One of the simplest new physics interpretation is a new neutrino-electron interaction mediated by a light vector particle. However, for the parameter region favored […]

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Possible Time Correlation Between Jet Ejection and Mass Accretion for RW Aur A

Kavli Affiliate: Moritz Guenther | First 5 Authors: Michihiro Takami, Tracy L. Beck, P. Christian Schneider, Hans Moritz Guenther, Marc White | Summary: For the active T-Taur star RW Aur A we have performed long-term (~10 yr) monitoring observations of (1) jet imaging in the [Fe II] 1.644-micron emission line using Gemini-NIFS and VLT-SINFONI; (2) […]

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Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results: Constraining Baryonic Physics in the Universe

Kavli Affiliate: Aaron Roodman | First 5 Authors: Hung-Jin Huang, Tim Eifler, Rachel Mandelbaum, Gary M. Bernstein, Anqi Chen | Summary: Measurements of large-scale structure are interpreted using theoretical predictions for the matter distribution, including potential impacts of baryonic physics. We constrain the feedback strength of baryons jointly with cosmology using weak lensing and galaxy […]

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Designing angle-independent structural colors using Monte Carlo simulations of multiple scattering

Kavli Affiliate: Vinothan N. Manoharan | First 5 Authors: Victoria Hwang, Anna B. Stephenson, Solomon Barkley, Soeren Brandt, Ming Xiao | Summary: Disordered nanostructures with correlations on the scale of visible wavelengths can show angle-independent structural colors. These materials could replace dyes in some applications because the color is tunable and resists photobleaching. However, designing […]

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Designing angle-independent structural colors using Monte Carlo simulations of multiple scattering

Kavli Affiliate: Joanna Aizenberg | First 5 Authors: Victoria Hwang, Anna B. Stephenson, Solomon Barkley, Soeren Brandt, Ming Xiao | Summary: Disordered nanostructures with correlations on the scale of visible wavelengths can show angle-independent structural colors. These materials could replace dyes in some applications because the color is tunable and resists photobleaching. However, designing nanostructures […]

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Amplify-and-Forward Relaying for Hierarchical Over-the-Air Computation

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Jie Xu, Vincent K. N. Lau, Shuguang Cui, | Summary: This paper studies a hierarchical over-the-air computation (AirComp) network over a large area, in which multiple relays are exploited to facilitate data aggregation from massive WDs. We present a two-phase amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying protocol. In […]

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