High-Speed Imaging Reveals the Bimodal Nature of Dense Core Vesicle Exocytosis

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Pengcheng Zhang, David Rumschitzki and Robert H Edwards | Summary: During exocytosis, the fusion of secretory vesicle with plasma membrane forms a pore that regulates release of neurotransmitter and peptide. Heterogeneity of fusion pore behavior has been attributed to stochastic variation in a common exocytic mechanism, implying a lack […]

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Humanized antibody potently neutralizes all SARS-CoV-2 variants by a novel mechanism

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Sai Luo, Jun Zhang, Alex J.B. Kreutzberger, Amanda Eaton, Robert J. Edwards, Changbin Jing, Hai-Qiang Dai, Gregory D. Sempowski, Kenneth Cronin, Robert Parks, Adam Yongxin Ye, Katayoun Mansouri, Maggie Barr, Novalia Pishesha, Aimee Chapdelaine Williams, Lucas Vieira Francisco, Anand Saminathan, Hanqin Peng, Himanshu Batra, Lorenza Bellusci, Surender Khurana, S. […]

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Dynamic top-down biasing implements rapid adaptive changes to individual movements

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brainard | Authors: Lucas Y Tian, Timothy L Warren and Michael S Brainard | Summary: Complex behaviors depend on the coordinated activity of neural ensembles in interconnected brain areas. The behavioral function of such coordination, often measured as co-fluctuations in neural activity across areas, is poorly understood. One hypothesis is that rapidly […]

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Structure-based Discovery of Conformationally Selective Inhibitors of the Serotonin Transporter

Kavli Affiliate:Allan Basbaum | Authors: Isha Singh, Anubha Seth, Christian B. Billesbolle, Joao Braz, Ramona M. Rodriguiz, Kasturi Roy, Bethlehem Bekele, Veronica Craik, Xi-Ping Huang, Danila Boytsov, Parnian Lak, Henry R O’Donnell, Walter R Sandtner, Bryan L. Roth, Allan Basbaum, William C Wetsel, Aashish Manglik, Brian K. Shoichet and Gary Rudnick | Summary: The serotonin […]

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A Legionella toxin mimics tRNA and glycosylates the translation machinery to trigger a ribotoxic stress response.

Kavli Affiliate: Peter Walter | Authors: Advait Subramanian, Lan Wang, Tom Moss, Mark Voorhies, Smriti Sangwan, Erica Stevenson, Ernst H Pulido, Samentha Kwok, Nevan J Krogan, Danielle L Swaney, Stephen N Floor, Anita Sil, Peter Walter and Shaeri Mukherjee | Summary: Pathogens often secrete proteins or nucleic acids that mimic the structure and/or function of […]

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Definition of a saxitoxin (STX) binding code enables discovery and characterization of the Anuran saxiphilin family

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Minor | Authors: Zhou Chen, Sandra Zakrzewska, Holly S. Hajare, Aurora Alvarez-Buylla, Fayal Abderemane-Ali, Maximiliana Bogan, Dave Ramirez, Lauren A. O’Connell, J. Du Bois and Daniel L. Minor, Jr. | Summary: American bullfrog (Rana castesbeiana) saxiphilin (RcSxph) is a high-affinity ‘toxin sponge’ protein thought to prevent intoxication by saxitoxin (STX), a lethal […]

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Spatiotemporal recruitment of inhibition and excitation in the mammalian cortex during electrical stimulation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Stryker | Authors: Maria C. Dadarlat, Yujiao Jennifer Sun and Michael P Stryker | Summary: Electrical stimulation has emerged as a powerful and precise treatment in which to modulate aberrant neural activity patterns common in neural dysfunction and disease; however, the physiological process involved in microstimulation is poorly understood, particularly regarding the […]

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Recording gene expression order in DNA by CRISPR addition of retron barcodes

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Shipman | Authors: Santi Bhattarai-Kline, Sierra K. Lear, Chloe B. Fishman, Santiago C. Lopez, Elana R. Lockshin, Max G. Schubert, Jeff Nivala, George Church and Seth L. Shipman | Summary: Biological processes depend on the differential expression of genes over time, but methods to make physical recordings of these processes are limited. […]

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Aberrant cortical spine dynamics after concussive injury are reversed by integrated stress response inhibition

Kavli Affiliate: Susanna Rosi, Peter Walter, Michael Stryker | Authors: Elma S. Frias, Mahmood S. Hoseini, Karen Krukowski, Maria Serena Paladini, Katherine Grue, Gonzalo Ureta, Kira D.A. Rienecker, Peter Walter, Michael P. Stryker and Susanna Rosi | Summary: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of long-term neurological disability in the world and the […]

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Physical and functional convergence of the autism risk genes Scn2a and Ank2 in neocortical pyramidal cell dendrites

Kavli Affiliate: Kevin Bender | Authors: Andrew D. Nelson, Amanda M. Catalfio, Julie M. Gupta, Lia Min, René N. Caballero-Florán, Kendall P. Dean, Carina C. Elvira, Kimberly D. Derderian, Henry Kyoung, Atehsa Sahagun, Stephan J Sanders, Kevin Bender and Paul M Jenkins | Summary: Dysfunction in sodium channels and their ankyrin scaffolding partners have both […]

Continue.. Physical and functional convergence of the autism risk genes Scn2a and Ank2 in neocortical pyramidal cell dendrites