High-Resolution Laminar Identification in Macaque Primary Visual Cortex Using Neuropixels Probes

Kavli Affiliate: Edward Callaway | Authors: Li Alex Zhang, Peichao Li and Edward M. Callaway | Summary: Summary: Laminar electrode arrays allow simultaneous recording of activity of many cortical neurons and assignment to layers using current source density (CSD) analyses. Electrode arrays with 100-micron contact spacing have been used to estimate borders between layer 4 […]

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Accept-reject decision-making revealed via a quantitative and ethological study of C. elegans foraging

Kavli Affiliate: Sreekanth Chalasani | Authors: Jessica A Haley, Tianyi Chen, Mikio Aoi and Sreekanth H Chalasani | Summary: Decision-making is a ubiquitous component of animal behavior that is often studied in the context of foraging. Foragers make a series of decisions while locating food (food search), choosing between food types (diet or patch choice), […]

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Lateral prefrontal cortex controls interplay between working memory and actions

Kavli Affiliate: Anastasia Kiyonaga | Authors: Anastasia Kiyonaga, Jacob Miller and Mark D’Esposito | Summary: Humans must often keep multiple task goals in mind, at different levels of priority and immediacy, while also interacting with the environment. We might need to remember information for an upcoming task while engaged in more immediate actions. Consequently, actively […]

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Manipulating attentional priority creates a trade-off between memory and sensory representations in human visual cortex

Kavli Affiliate: John Serences | Authors: Rosanne L Rademaker and John Serences | Summary: People often remember visual information over brief delays while actively engaging with ongoing inputs from the surrounding visual environment. Depending on the situation, one might prioritize mnemonic contents (i.e., remembering details of a past event), or preferentially attend sensory inputs (i.e., […]

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Neurovascular Impulse Response Function (IRF) during spontaneous activity differentially reflects intrinsic neuromodulation across cortical regions

Kavli Affiliate: David Kleinfeld | Bradley C. Rauscher, Natalie Fomin-Thunemann, Sreekanth Kura, Patrick R. Doran, Pablo D. Perez, Kıvılcım Kılıç, Emily A. Martin, Dora Balog, Nathan X. Chai, Francesca A. Froio, Patrick F. Bloniasz, Kate E. Herrema, Rockwell Tang, Scott G. Knudstrup, Andrew Garcia, John X. Jiang, Jeffrey P. Gavornik, David Kleinfeld, Michael E. Hasselmo, […]

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Cholinergic feedback for context-specific modulation of sensory representations

Kavli Affiliate: Takaki Komiyama | Authors: Bin Yu, Yuxuan Yue, Chi Ren, Rui Yun, Byungkook Lim and Takaki Komiyama | Summary: The brain’s ability to prioritize behaviorally relevant sensory information is crucial for adaptive behavior, yet the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we investigated the role of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in modulating olfactory bulb […]

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Brain state and cortical layer-specific mechanisms underlying perception at threshold

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy, John Reynolds | Authors: Mitchell P Morton, Sachira Denagamage, Isabel J Blume, John H Reynolds, Monika P Jadi and Anirvan S Nandy | Summary: Identical stimuli can be perceived or go unnoticed across successive presentations, producing divergent behavioral outcomes despite similarities in sensory input. We sought to understand how fluctuations in […]

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Multiple and subject-specific roles of uncertainty in reward-guided decision-making

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Yu | Authors: Alexander Paunov, Maëva L’Hôtellier, Zoe He, Dalin Guo, Angela Yu and Florent Meyniel | Summary: Decision-making in noisy, changing, and partially observable environments entails a basic tradeoff between immediate reward and longer-term information gain, known as the exploration-exploitation dilemma. Computationally, an effective way to balance this tradeoff is by […]

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Neuromodulators generate multiple context-relevant behaviors in a recurrent neural network by shifting activity flows in hyperchannels

Kavli Affiliate: Kay Tye and Terrence Sejnowski | Authors: Ben Tsuda, Stefan C Pate, Kay M Tye, Hava T Siegelmann and Terrence J Sejnowski | Summary: Neuromodulators are critical controllers of neural states, with dysfunctions linked to various neuropsychiatric disorders. Although many biological aspects of neuromodulation have been studied, the computational principles underlying how neuromodulation […]

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State of India’s Birds 2023: A framework to leverage semi-structured citizen science for bird conservation

Kavli Affiliate: V. S. Ramachandran | Authors: Ashwin Viswanathan, Karthik Thrikkadeeri, Pradeep Koulgi, Praveen J, Arpit Deomurari, Ashish Jha, Ashwin Warudkar, Kulbhushansingh Suryawanshi, MD Madhusudan, Monica Kaushik, Naman Goyal, Priti bangal, Rajah Jayapal, Suhel Quader, Sutirtha Dutta, Tarun Menon and Vivek Ramachandran | Summary: Birds and their habitats are threatened with extinction around the world. […]

Continue.. State of India’s Birds 2023: A framework to leverage semi-structured citizen science for bird conservation