The breath shape controls intonation of mouse vocalizations

Kavli Affiliate: Kevin Yackle | Authors: Alastair MacDonald and Kevin Yacklei | Summary: Intonation in speech is the control of vocal pitch to layer expressive meaning to communication, like increasing pitch to indicate a question. Also, stereotyped patterns of pitch are used to create distinct “words”, like the ten sounds in the murine lexicon. A […]

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Disorganized Inhibitory Dynamics and Functional Connectivity in Hippocampal area CA1 of 22q11.2 Deletion Mutant Mice

Kavli Affiliate: Attila Losonczy | Authors: Stephanie A Herrlinger, Bovey Rao, Margaret E Conde Paredes, Anna L Tuttman, Haroon Arain, Erdem Varol, Joseph A Gogos and Attila Losonczy | Summary: Individuals with the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, one of the strongest genetic risk factors for schizophrenia, demonstrate cognitive impairments such as episodic memory dysfunction. Place cell […]

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Bidirectional Regulation of Motor Circuits Using Magnetogenetic Gene Therapy

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey M. Friedman | Authors: Santiago R Unda, Roberta Marongiu, Lisa E Pomeranz, Jonathan P Dyke, Edward K Fung, Logan Grosenick, Rick Zirkel, Aldana M Antoniazzi, Sofya Norman, Conor M Liston, Chris B Schaffer, Nozomi Nishimura, Sarah A Stanley, Jeffrey M Friedman and Michael G Kaplitt | Summary: Regulating the activity of discrete […]

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Dynamical Responses Predict a Distal Site that Modulates Activity in an Antibiotic Resistance Enzyme

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Beer | Authors: Michael Beer, Ana Sofia F. Oliveira, Catherine L. Tooke, Philip Hinchliffe, Angie Tsz Yan Li, Balazs Balega, James Spencer and Adrian J Mulholland | Summary: β-Lactamases, which hydrolyse β-lactam antibiotics, are key determinants of antibiotic resistance. Predicting the sites and effects of distal mutations in enzymes is challenging. For […]

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Comparative Single Cell Analysis of Transcriptional Bursting Reveals the Role of Genome Organization on de novo Transcript Origination

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: UnJin Lee, Cong Li, Christopher B Langer, Nicolas Svetec and Li Zhao | Summary: Spermatogenesis is a key developmental process underlying the origination of newly evolved genes. However, rapid cell type-specific transcriptomic divergence of the Drosophila germline has posed a significant technical barrier for comparative single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-Seq) studies. […]

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A recurrent network model of planning explains hippocampal replay and human behavior

Kavli Affiliate: Marcelo Mattar | Authors: Kristopher T. Jensen, Guillaume Hennequin and Marcelo G. Mattar | Summary: When interacting with complex environments, humans can rapidly adapt their behavior to changes in task or context. To facilitate this adaptation, we often spend substantial periods of time contemplating possible futures before acting. For such planning to be […]

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Colorectal Cancer Stem Cell Subtypes Orchestrate Distinct Tumor Microenvironments

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Edwards | Authors: Linzi Hosohama, Delia F. Tifrea, Kevin Nee, Sung Yun Park, Jie Wu, Amber N. Habowski, Cassandra Van, Marcus M. Seldin, Robert A. Edwards and Marian L. Waterman | Summary: Several classification systems have been developed to define tumor subtypes in colorectal cancer (CRC). One system proposes that tumor heterogeneity […]

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PACS-1 variant protein is aberrantly localized in C. elegans model of PACS1/PACS2 syndromes

Kavli Affiliate: Yishi Jin | Authors: Dana T Byrd, Ziyuan Christina Han, Christopher A Piggott and Yishi Jin | Summary: PACS (Phosphofurin Acidic Cluster Sorting Protein) proteins are known for their roles in sorting cargo proteins to organelles and can physically interact with WD40 repeat-containing protein WDR37. PACS1, PACS2, and WDR37 variants are associated with […]

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Sampling Techniques and Genomic Analysis of Biological Material from Artworks

Kavli Affiliate: Thomas P. Sakmar | Authors: Rhonda K Roby, Rosana A Wiscovitch-Russo, Rebecca Hart, Amanda E Appel, Manija A Kazmi, Thomas Huber, Karina C Åberg, Thomas P Sakmar, José A Lorente and Norberto Gonzalez-Juarbe | Summary: The genomic analysis of biological material obtained from artwork or cultural heritage artifacts can be used to guide […]

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Bi-level Graph Learning Unveils Prognosis-Relevant Tumor Microenvironment Patterns from Breast Multiplexed Digital Pathology

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremias Sulam | Authors: Zhenzhen Wang, Cesar A. Santa-Maria, Aleksander S. Popel and Jeremias Sulam | Summary: The tumor microenvironment is widely recognized for its central role in driving cancer progression and influencing prognostic outcomes. Despite extensive research efforts dedicated to characterizing this complex and heterogeneous environment, considerable challenges persist. In this study, […]

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