Substrate stiffness modulates the emergence and magnitude of senescence phenotypes in dermal fibroblasts

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Bartholomew Starich, Fan Yang, Derin Tanrioven, Heng-Chung Kung, Joanne Baek, Praful R. Nair, Pratik Kamat, Nico Macaluso, Joon Eoh, Kyu Sang Han, Luo Gu, Jeremey Walston, Sean Sun, Pei-Hsun Wu, Denis Wirtz and Jude M. Phillip | Summary: Cellular senescence is a major driver of aging and disease. Here […]

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Dopamine D1 receptor expression in dlPFC inhibitory parvalbumin neurons may contribute to higher visuospatial distractibility in marmosets versus macaques

Kavli Affiliate: Anirvan Nandy | Authors: Mary Kate P Joyce, Tsvetoslav G Ivanov, Fenna Krienen, Jude Mitchell, Shaojie Ma, Wataru Inoue, Anirvan P Nandy, Dibyadeep Datta, Alvaro Duque, Jon I Arellano, Rahul Gupta, Guillermo Gonzalez-Burgos, David A Lewis, Nenad Sestan, Steven A McCarroll, Julio C Martinez-Trujillo, Seán Froudist-Walsh and Amy FT Arnsten | Summary: Marmosets […]

Continue.. Dopamine D1 receptor expression in dlPFC inhibitory parvalbumin neurons may contribute to higher visuospatial distractibility in marmosets versus macaques

Control of innate olfactory valence by segregated cortical amygdala circuits

Kavli Affiliate: Kay Tye | Authors: James R Howe, Chung-Lung Chan, Donghyung Lee, Marlon Blanquart, Haylie Romero, Abigail N Zadina, Mackenzie E Lemieux, Paula A Desplats, Kay M Tye and Cory M Root | Summary: Animals perform innate behaviors that are stereotyped responses to specific evolutionarily relevant stimuli in the absence of prior learning or […]

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Multi-sample non-negative spatial factorization

Kavli Affiliate: Loyal Goff | Authors: Multi-sample non-negative spatial factorization | Summary: It is important to model biological variation when analyzing spatial transcriptomics data from multiple samples. One approach to multi-sample analysis is to spatially align samples, but this is a challenging problem. Here, we provide an alignment-free framework for generalizing a one-sample spatial factorization […]

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Comparing Automated Subcortical Volume Estimation Methods; Amygdala Volumes Estimated by FSL and FreeSurfer Have Poor Consistency

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Lindquist | Authors: Patrick Sadil and Martin A Lindquist | Summary: Subcortical volumes are a promising source of biomarkers and features in biosignatures, and automated methods facilitate extracting them in large, phenotypically rich datasets. However, while extensive research has verified that the automated methods produce volumes that are similar to those generated […]

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Human-specific paralogs of SRGAP2 induce neotenic features of microglia structural and functional maturation

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux | Authors: Carlos Diaz-Salazar, Marine A KRZISCH, Juyoun Yoo, Patricia Nano, Aparna Bhaduri, Rudolph Jaenisch and Franck Polleux | Summary: Microglia play key roles in shaping synaptic connectivity during neural circuits development. Whether microglia display human-specific features of structural and functional maturation is currently unknown. We show that the ancestral gene […]

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Neuropathologically-directed profiling of PRNP somatic and germline variants in sporadic human prion disease

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Gannon A. McDonough, Yuchen Cheng, Katherine Morillo, Ryan N. Doan, Connor J. Kenny, Aaron Foutz, Chae Kim, Mark L. Cohen, Brian S. Appleby, Christopher A. Walsh, Jiri G. Safar, August Yue Huang and Michael B. Miller | Summary: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), the most common human prion disease, is associated […]

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Unifying community-wide whole-brain imaging datasets enables robust automated neuron identification and reveals determinants of neuron positioning in C. elegans

Kavli Affiliate: Saul Kato | Authors: Daniel Yutaka Sprague, Kevin Rusch, Raymond L Dunn, Jackson Borchardt, Greg Bubnis, Grace Chiu, Chentao Wen, Ryoga Suzuki, Shivesh Chaudhary, Ben Dichter, Ryan Ly, Shuichi Onami, Hang Lu, Kotaro Kimura, Eviatar I Yemini and Saul Kato | Summary: We develop a data harmonization approach for C. elegans volumetric microscopy […]

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Epistasis between N-terminal and receptor-binding domains drives cell entry in a bat coronavirus spike

Kavli Affiliate: Charles M. Rice | Authors: Alexandra L. Tse, Cory M. Acreman, Inna Ricardo-Lax, Jacob Berrigan, Gorka Lasso, Toheeb Balogun, Fiona L. Kearns, Lorenzo Casalino, Georgia L. McClain, Amartya Mudry Chandran, Charlotte Lemeunier, Rommie E. Amaro, Charles M. Rice, Rohit K. Jangra, Jason S. McLellan, Kartik Chandran and Emily Happy Miller | Summary: The […]

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Structure of the human K2P13.1(THIK-1) channel reveals a novel hydrophilic pore restriction and lipid cofactor site

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel Minor | Authors: Shatabdi Roy-Chowdhury, Seil Jang, Fayal Abderemane-Ali, Fiona Naughton, Michael Grabe and Daniel L Minor, Jr. | Summary: The halothane-inhibited K2P leak potassium channel K2P13.1 (THIK-1)1–3 is found in diverse cells1,4 including neurons1,5 and microglia6–8 where it affects surveillance6, synaptic pruning7, phagocytosis7, and inflammasome-mediated interleukin-1β release6,8,9. As with many K2Ps1,5,10–14 […]

Continue.. Structure of the human K2P13.1(THIK-1) channel reveals a novel hydrophilic pore restriction and lipid cofactor site