KAT5 regulates neurodevelopmental states associated with G0-like populations in glioblastoma

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Anca Mihalas, Sonali Arora, Samantha O’Connor, Heather Feldman, Christine E. Cucinotta, Kelly Mitchell, John Bassett, Dayoung Kim, Kang Jin, Pia Hoellerbauer, Jennifer Delegard, Melissa Ling, Wesley Jenkins, Megan Kufeld, Philip Corrin, Lucas Carter, Toshio Tsukiyama, Bruce J Aronow, Christopher J Plaisier, Anoop Patel and PATRICK PADDISON | Summary: In […]

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The Heritability of Human Connectomes: a Causal Modeling Analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Jaewon Chung, Eric W Bridgeford, Michael Powell, Derek Pisner and Joshua T Vogelstein | Summary: The heritability of human connectomes is crucial for understanding the influence of genetic and environmental factors on variability in connectomes, and their implications for behavior and disease. However, current methods for studying heritability assume […]

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Multicore fiber optic imaging reveals that astrocyte calcium activity in the cerebral cortex is modulated by internal motivational state

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang, Dwight Bergles | Authors: Yung-Tian A. Gau, Eric Hsu, Jaepyeong Cha, Rebecca W. Pak, Loren L. Looger, Jin U. Kang and Dwight E. Bergles | Summary: Astrocytes are a direct target of neuromodulators and can influence neuronal activity on broad spatial and temporal scales through their close proximity to synapses. However, […]

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Parallel genome-scale CRISPR screens distinguish pluripotency and self-renewal

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Beer | Authors: Bess P. Rosen, Qing V. Li, Hyunwoo Cho, Dingyu Liu, Dapeng Yang, Sarah Graff, Jielin Yan, Renhe Luo, Nipun Verma, Jeyaram R. Damodaran, Michael A. Beer, Simone Sidoli and Danwei Huangfu | Summary: Pluripotent stem cells are defined by both the ability to unlimitedly self-renew and differentiate to any […]

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Age-related increases in fibroblasts-secreted IGFBP2 increase melanoma cell invasion and lipid synthesis.

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Gretchen M Alicea, Marie E Portuallo, Payal Patel, Mitchell E Fane, Alexis Carey, David W. Speicher, Andrew Kossenkov, Vito W Rebecca III, Denis Wirtz and Ashani T Weeraratna | Summary: Aged melanoma patients (>65 years old) have more aggressive disease relative to young patients (5-fold levels of insulin-like growth […]

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Diverging maternal and infant cord antibody functions from SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination in pregnancy

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Emily H. Adhikari, Pei Lu, Ye Jin Kang, Ann R. McDonald, Jessica E. Pruszynski, Timothy A Bates, Savannah K. McBride, Mila Trank-Greene, Fikadu G Tafesse and Lenette L. Lu | Summary: Immunization in pregnancy is a critical tool that can be leveraged to protect the infant with an immature […]

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3D structural human interactome reveals proteome-wide perturbations by disease mutations

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Dapeng Xiong, Junfei Zhao, Yunguang Qiu, Yadi Zhou, Dongjin Lee, Shobhita Gupta, Weiqiang Lu, Siqi Liang, Jin Joo Kang, Charis Eng, Joseph Loscalzo, Feixiong Cheng and Haiyuan Yu | Summary: Human genome sequencing studies have identified numerous loci associated with complex diseases. However, translating human genetic and genomic findings […]

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Insights for disease modeling from single cell transcriptomics of iPSC-derived Ngn2-induced neurons and astrocytes across differentiation time and co-culture

Kavli Affiliate: Loyal Goff | Authors: Debamitra Das, Shreyash Sonthalia, Genevieve G Stein-O’Brien, Marah Wahbeh, Kyra Feuer, Loyal Goff, Carlo Colantuoni, Vasiliki Machairaki and Dimitrios Avramopoulos | Summary: Trans-differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells into neurons via Ngn2-induction (hiPSC-N) has become an efficient system to quickly generate neurons for disease modeling and in vitro […]

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Contigs directed gene annotation (ConDiGA) for accurate protein sequence database construction in metaproteomics

Kavli Affiliate: Xiaoqing Qin Wang | Authors: Enhui Wu, Vijini Mallawaarachchi, Jinzhi Zhao, Yi Yang, Hebin Liu, Xiaoqing Wang, Chengpin Shen, Yu Lin and Liang Qiao | Summary: Microbiota are closely associated to human health and disease. Metaproteomics can provide a direct means to identify microbial proteins in microbiota for compositional and functional characterization. However, […]

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Electrophysiological correlates of attention in the locus coeruleus – anterior cingulate cortex circuit during the rodent continuous performance test

Kavli Affiliate: Keri Martinowich | Authors: Henry L Hallock, Suhaas Adiraju, Jorge Miranda-Barrientos, Jessica M McInerney, Seyun Oh, Adrienne C DeBrosse, Ye Li, Gregory Carr and Keri Martinowich | Summary: Sustained attention, the ability to focus on an activity or stimulus over time, is significantly impaired in many psychiatric disorders, and there remains a major […]

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