An evolutionarily conserved role for separase in the regulation of nuclear lamins

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Goldberg | Authors: Francesca Cipressa, Gaelle Pennarun, Giuseppe Bosso, Serena Rosignoli, Liliana Tullo, Nadia Schiralli, Chiara Borghi, Alessandro Paiardini, Michael L Goldberg, Pascale Bertrand and Giovanni Cenci | Summary: Separase is a well conserved endopeptidase that facilitates sister chromatid separation at the metaphase-anaphase transition by cleaving cohesins. Beyond its role in chromosome […]

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Learning decouples accuracy and reaction time for rapid decisions in a transitive inference task

Kavli Affiliate: Vincent Ferrera | Authors: Fabian A Munoz Silva, Greg Jensen, Maxwell Shinn, Yelda Alkan, John Murray, Herbert Terrace and Vincent P Ferrera | Summary: The accumulation of evidence over time formalized in the drift diffusion model (DDM), has become one of the most prevalent models of deliberative decision-making. To better understand the role […]

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RESPAN: A Deep Learning Pipeline for Accurate and Automated Restoration, Segmentation, and Quantification of Dendritic Spines

Kavli Affiliate: Franck Polleux | Authors: Sergio B. Garcia, Alexa P. Schlotter, Daniela Pereira, Aleksandra J Recupero, Franck Polleux and Luke A Hammond | Summary: Quantification of dendritic spines is essential for studying synaptic connectivity, yet most current approaches require manual adjustments or the combination of multiple software tools for optimal results. Here, we present […]

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Circuit-Based Understanding of Fine Spatial Scale Clustering of Orientation Tuning in Mouse Visual Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Peijia Yu, Yuhan Yang, Olivia Gozel, Ian Oldenburg, Mario Dipoppa, Federico Rossi, Kenneth Miller, Hillel Adesnik, Na Ji and Brent Doiron | Summary: In sensory cortex of brain it is often the case that neurons are spatially organized by their functional properties. A hallmark of primary visual cortex (V1) […]

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Rarely categorical, always high-dimensional: how the neural code changes along the cortical hierarchy

Kavli Affiliate: Stefano Fusi | Authors: Lorenzo Posani, Shuqi Wang, Samuel Muscinelli, Liam Paninski and Stefano Fusi | Summary: A long-standing debate in neuroscience concerns whether individual neurons are organized into functionally distinct populations that encode information differently (“categorical” representations [1–3]) and the implications for neural computation. Here, we systematically analyzed how cortical neurons encode […]

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Sweeps in space: leveraging geographic data to identify beneficial alleles in Anopheles gambiae

Kavli Affiliate: Scott Small | Authors: Clara T Rehmann, Scott T Small, Peter L Ralph and Andrew D. Kern | Summary: As organisms adapt to environmental changes, natural selection modifies the frequency of non-neutral alleles. For beneficial mutations, the outcome of this process may be a selective sweep, in which an allele rapidly increases in […]

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Neuronal Silencing and Protection in a Mouse Model of Demyelination

Kavli Affiliate: Aniruddha Das | Authors: Aniruddha Das, Julie Borovicka, Hale Tobin, Shruti Bhatia, Jacob Icardi, Ghazaal Tahmasebi, Priyanka Agochiya, Shriya Singh, Bruce Trapp and Hod Dana | Summary: Damage to the myelin sheath that protects axons in the central nervous system is a hallmark pathology of demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis. Cuprizone-induced demyelination in […]

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Population Representation of the Confidence in a Decision in the Parietal Cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Shadlen | Authors: Ariel Zylberberg and Michael N Shadlen | Summary: Confidence in a decision is the belief, prior to feedback, that one’s choice is correct. In the brain, many decisions are implemented as a race between competing evidence-accumulation processes. We ask whether the neurons that represent evidence accumulation also carry information […]

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The geometry of the neural state space of decisions

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Mauro M. Monsalve-Mercado and Kenneth D Miller | Summary: How do populations of neurons collectively encode and process information during cognitive tasks? We analyze high-yield population recordings from the macaque lateral intraparietal area (LIP) during a reaction-time random-dot-motion direction-discrimination task. We find that the trajectories of neural population activity […]

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Exact linear theory of perturbation response in a space- and feature-dependent cortical circuit model

Kavli Affiliate: Kenneth Miller | Authors: Ho Yin Chau, Kenneth D Miller and Agostina Palmigiano | Summary: What are the principles that govern the responses of cortical networks to their inputs and the emergence of these responses from recurrent connectivity? Recent experiments have probed these questions by measuring cortical responses to two-photon optogenetic perturbations of […]

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