Coupled vertical double quantum dots at single-hole occupancy

Kavli Affiliate: Menno Veldhorst | First 5 Authors: Alexander Ivlev, Hanifa Tidjani, Stefan Oosterhout, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci | Summary: Gate-defined quantum dots define an attractive platform for quantum computation and have been used to confine individual charges in a planar array. Here, we demonstrate control over vertical double quantum dots confined in a double […]

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City Scene Super-Resolution via Geometric Error Minimization

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Zhengyang Lu, Feng Wang, , , | Summary: Super-resolution techniques are crucial in improving image granularity, particularly in complex urban scenes, where preserving geometric structures is vital for data-informed cultural heritage applications. In this paper, we propose a city scene super-resolution method via geometric error minimization. The […]

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Synthesis of thin film infinite-layer nickelates by atomic hydrogen reduction: clarifying the role of the capping layer

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Christopher T. Parzyck, Vivek Anil, Yi Wu, Berit H. Goodge, Matthew Roddy | Summary: We present an integrated procedure for the synthesis of infinite-layer nickelates using molecular-beam epitaxy with gas-phase reduction by atomic hydrogen. We first discuss challenges in the growth and characterization of perovskite NdNiO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$, […]

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Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: M. P. F. Wopereis, N. Bouman, S. Dutta, P. G. Steeneken, F. Alijani | Summary: Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which could allow them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, the performance of 2D […]

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Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: M. P. F. Wopereis, N. Bouman, S. Dutta, P. G. Steeneken, F. Alijani | Summary: Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which allows them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, their performance as nanomechanical sensors […]

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Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

Kavli Affiliate: P. G. Steeneken | First 5 Authors: M. P. F. Wopereis, N. Bouman, S. Dutta, P. G. Steeneken, F. Alijani | Summary: Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which allows them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, their performance as nanomechanical sensors […]

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Energy-Efficient Data Offloading for Earth Observation Satellite Networks

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Lijun He, Ziye Jia, Juncheng Wang, Feng Wang, Erick Lansard | Summary: In Earth Observation Satellite Networks (EOSNs) with a large number of battery-carrying satellites, proper power allocation and task scheduling are crucial to improving the data offloading efficiency. As such, we jointly optimize power allocation and […]

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In situ coherent X-ray scattering reveals polycrystalline structure and discrete annealing events in strongly-coupled nanocrystal superlattices

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Matthew J. Hurley, Christian P. N. Tanner, Joshua Portner, James K. Utterback, Igor Coropceanu | Summary: Solution-phase bottom up self-assembly of nanocrystals into superstructures such as ordered superlattices is an attractive strategy to generate functional materials of increasing complexity, including very recent advances that incorporate strong […]

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In situ coherent X-ray scattering reveals polycrystalline structure and discrete annealing events in strongly-coupled nanocrystal superlattices

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Matthew J. Hurley, Christian P. N. Tanner, Joshua Portner, James K. Utterback, Igor Coropceanu | Summary: Solution-phase bottom up self-assembly of nanocrystals into superstructures such as ordered superlattices is an attractive strategy to generate functional materials of increasing complexity, including very recent advances that incorporate strong […]

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Nanofluidic platform for studying the first-order phase transitions in superfluid helium-3

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak M. Parpia | First 5 Authors: Petri J. Heikkinen, Nathan Eng, Lev V. Levitin, Xavier Rojas, Angadjit Singh | Summary: The symmetry-breaking first-order phase transition between superfluid phases $^3$He-A and $^3$He-B can be triggered extrinsically by ionising radiation or heterogeneous nucleation arising from the details of the sample cell construction. However, the […]

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