Bayesian Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Reconstruction

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Haiyang Xu, Yu Lei, Zeyuan Chen, Xiang Zhang, Yue Zhao | Summary: We present Bayesian Diffusion Models (BDM), a prediction algorithm that performs effective Bayesian inference by tightly coupling the top-down (prior) information with the bottom-up (data-driven) procedure via joint diffusion processes. We show the effectiveness of […]

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Bayesian Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Reconstruction

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Haiyang Xu, Yu Lei, Zeyuan Chen, Xiang Zhang, Yue Zhao | Summary: We present Bayesian Diffusion Models (BDM), a prediction algorithm that performs effective Bayesian inference by tightly coupling the top-down (prior) information with the bottom-up (data-driven) procedure via joint diffusion processes. We show the effectiveness of […]

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V3D: Video Diffusion Models are Effective 3D Generators

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Zilong Chen, Yikai Wang, Feng Wang, Zhengyi Wang, Huaping Liu | Summary: Automatic 3D generation has recently attracted widespread attention. Recent methods have greatly accelerated the generation speed, but usually produce less-detailed objects due to limited model capacity or 3D data. Motivated by recent advancements in video […]

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Control of flow behavior in complex fluids using automatic differentiation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brenner | First 5 Authors: Mohammed Alhashim, Kaylie Hausknecht, Michael Brenner, , | Summary: Inverse design of complex flows is notoriously challenging because of the high cost of high dimensional optimization. Usually, optimization problems are either restricted to few control parameters, or adjoint-based approaches are used to convert the optimization problem into […]

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Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Gemini Team, Petko Georgiev, Ving Ian Lei, Ryan Burnell, Libin Bai | Summary: In this report, we introduce the Gemini 1.5 family of models, representing the next generation of highly compute-efficient multimodal models capable of recalling and reasoning over fine-grained information from millions of tokens of context, […]

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Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Gemini Team, Petko Georgiev, Ving Ian Lei, Ryan Burnell, Libin Bai | Summary: In this report, we introduce the Gemini 1.5 family of models, representing the next generation of highly compute-efficient multimodal models capable of recalling and reasoning over fine-grained information from millions of tokens of context, […]

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Gemini 1.5: Unlocking multimodal understanding across millions of tokens of context

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Gemini Team, Petko Georgiev, Ving Ian Lei, Ryan Burnell, Libin Bai | Summary: In this report, we introduce the Gemini 1.5 family of models, representing the next generation of highly compute-efficient multimodal models capable of recalling and reasoning over fine-grained information from millions of tokens of context, […]

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A Magnetic Millirobot Walks on Slippery Biological Surfaces for Targeted Cargo Delivery

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Moonkwang Jeong, Xiangzhou Tan, Felix Fischer, Tian Qiu, | Summary: Small-scale robots hold great potential for targeted cargo delivery in minimally-inv asive medicine. However, current robots often face challenges to locomote efficiently on slip pery biological tissue surfaces, especially when loaded with heavy cargos. Here, we report […]

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Investigation of nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides for on-chip evanescent wave sensing

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Nathan A. Harper, Emily Y. Hwang, Philip A. Kocheril, Scott K. Cushing, | Summary: Thin-film lithium niobate is a promising photonic platform that could allow for light generation, manipulation, and sample interaction all within the same compact device. Integrated sample interaction geometries for on-chip sensors have […]

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Investigation of nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides for on-chip evanescent wave sensing

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Nathan A. Harper, Emily Y. Hwang, Philip A. Kocheril, Tze King Lam, Scott K. Cushing | Summary: Thin-film lithium niobate is a promising photonic platform for on-chip optical sensing because both nonlinear and linear components can be fabricated within one integrated device. To date, waveguided sample […]

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