Physics Successfully Implements Lagrange Multiplier Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Eli Yablonovitch | First 5 Authors: Sri Krishna Vadlamani, Tianyao Patrick Xiao, Eli Yablonovitch, , | Summary: Optimization is a major part of human effort. While being mathematical, optimization is also built into physics. For example, physics has the principle of Least Action, the principle of Minimum Entropy Generation, and the Variational Principle. […]

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Physics Successfully Implements Lagrange Multiplier Optimization

Kavli Affiliate: Eli Yablonovitch | First 5 Authors: Sri Krishna Vadlamani, Tianyao Patrick Xiao, Eli Yablonovitch, , | Summary: Optimization is a major part of human effort. While being mathematical, optimization is also built into physics. For example, physics has the principle of Least Action, the principle of Minimum Entropy Generation, and the Variational Principle. […]

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Scientific Discovery by Generating Counterfactuals using Image Translation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brenner | First 5 Authors: Arunachalam Narayanaswamy, Subhashini Venugopalan, Dale R. Webster, Lily Peng, Greg Corrado | Summary: Model explanation techniques play a critical role in understanding the source of a model’s performance and making its decisions transparent. Here we investigate if explanation techniques can also be used as a mechanism for […]

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Scientific Discovery by Generating Counterfactuals using Image Translation

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brenner | First 5 Authors: Arunachalam Narayanaswamy, Subhashini Venugopalan, Dale R. Webster, Lily Peng, Greg Corrado | Summary: Model explanation techniques play a critical role in understanding the source of a model’s performance and making its decisions transparent. Here we investigate if explanation techniques can also be used as a mechanism for […]

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Operando Control of Skyrmion Density in a Lorentz Transmission Electron Microscope with Current Pulses

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory D. Fuchs | First 5 Authors: Albert M. Park, Zhen Chen, Xiyue S. Zhang, Lijun Zhu, David A. Muller | Summary: Magnetic skyrmions hold promise for spintronic devices. To explore the dynamical properties of skyrmions in devices, a nanoscale method to image spin textures in response to a stimulus is essential. Here, […]

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Beyond Quality and Quantity: Contact Distribution Encodes Frictional Strength

Kavli Affiliate: Shmuel M. Rubinstein | First 5 Authors: Sam Dillavou, Yohai Bar Sinai, Michael P Brenner, Shmuel M Rubinstein, | Summary: Classically, the quantity of contact area $A_R$ between two bodies is considered a proxy for the force of friction. However, bond density across the interface – quality of contact – is also relevant, […]

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EarthFinder Probe Mission Concept Study: Characterizing nearby stellar exoplanet systems with Earth-mass analogs for future direct imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry Vahala | First 5 Authors: Peter Plavchan, Gautam Vasisht, Chas Beichman, Heather Cegla, Xavier Dumusque | Summary: EarthFinder is a NASA Astrophysics Probe mission concept selected for study as input to the 2020 Astrophysics National Academies Decadal Survey. The EarthFinder concept is based on a dramatic shift in our understanding of how […]

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Elucidating the mechanism of step-emulsification

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Weitz | First 5 Authors: Andrea Montessori, Marco Lauricella, Sauro Succi, Elad Stolovicki, David A. Weitz | Summary: Three-dimensional, time-dependent direct simulations of step emulsification micro-devices highlight two essential mechanisms for droplet formation: first, the onset of an adverse pressure gradient driving a back-flow of the continuous phase from the external […]

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Bidirectional Self-Folding with Atomic Layer Deposition Nanofilms for Microscale Origami

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. McEuen | First 5 Authors: Baris Bircan, Marc Z. Miskin, Robert J. Lang, Michael C. Cao, Kyle J. Dorsey | Summary: Origami design principles are scale invariant and enable direct miniaturization of origami structures provided the sheets used for folding have equal thickness to length ratios. Recently, seminal steps have been […]

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Ultra-high-resolution imaging of moiré lattices and superstructures using scanning microwave impedance microscopy under ambient conditions

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Crommie | First 5 Authors: Kyunghoon Lee, M. Iqbal Bakti Utama, Salman Kahn, Appalakondaiah Samudrala, Nicolas Leconte | Summary: Two-dimensional heterostructures with layers of slightly different lattice vectors exhibit a new periodic structure known as moire lattices. Moire lattice formation provides a powerful new way to engineer the electronic structure of two-dimensional […]

Continue.. Ultra-high-resolution imaging of moiré lattices and superstructures using scanning microwave impedance microscopy under ambient conditions