Virtual Distillation for Quantum Error Mitigation

Kavli Affiliate: K. Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: William J. Huggins, Sam McArdle, Thomas E. O’Brien, Joonho Lee, Nicholas C. Rubin | Summary: Contemporary quantum computers have relatively high levels of noise, making it difficult to use them to perform useful calculations, even with a large number of qubits. Quantum error correction is expected […]

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Out of Control: Reducing Probabilistic Models by Control-State Elimination

Kavli Affiliate: Johannes Lehmann | First 5 Authors: Tobias Winkler, Johannes Lehmann, Joost-Pieter Katoen, , | Summary: State-of-the-art probabilistic model checkers perform verification on explicit-state Markov models defined in a high-level programming formalism like the PRISM modeling language. Typically, the low-level models resulting from such program-like specifications exhibit lots of structure such as repeating subpatterns. […]

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Insights into photosynthetic energy transfer gained from free-energy structure: Coherent transport, incoherent hopping, and vibrational assistance revisited

Kavli Affiliate: Graham R. Fleming | First 5 Authors: Akihito Ishizaki, Graham R. Fleming, , , | Summary: Giant strides in ultrashort laser pulse technology have enabled real-time observation of dynamical processes in complex molecular systems. Specifically, the discovery of oscillatory transients in the two-dimensional electronic spectra of photosynthetic systems stimulated a number of theoretical […]

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Prestrain-induced bandgap tuning in 3D-printed tensegrity-inspired lattice structures

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Kirsti Pajunen, Paolo Celli, Chiara Daraio, , | Summary: In this letter, we provide experimental evidence of bandgap tunability with global prestrain in additively-manufactured tensegrity-inspired lattice structures. These lattices are extremely lightweight and designed to exhibit a nonlinear compressive response that mimics that of a tensegrity structure. […]

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Resonant Interaction of Modulation-correlated Quantum Electron Wavepackets with Bound Electron States

Kavli Affiliate: Amnon Yariv | First 5 Authors: Avraham Gover, Bin Zhang, Du Ran, Reuven Ianconescu, Aharon Friedman | Summary: Free-Electron Bound-Electron Resonant Interaction (FEBERI) is the resonant inelastic interaction of periodically density-bunched free electrons with a quantum two level system. We present a comprehensive relativistic quantum mechanical theory for this interaction in a model […]

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Resonant Interaction of Modulation-correlated Quantum Electron Wavepackets with Bound Electron States

Kavli Affiliate: Amnon Yariv | First 5 Authors: Avraham Gover, Bin Zhang, Du Ran, Reuven Ianconescu, Aharon Friedman | Summary: Free-Electron Bound-Electron Resonant Interaction (FEBERI) is the resonant inelastic interaction of periodically density-bunched free electrons with a quantum two level system. We present a comprehensive relativistic quantum mechanical theory for this interaction in a model […]

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Resonant Interaction of Modulation-correlated Quantum Electron Wavepackets with Bound Electron States

Kavli Affiliate: Amnon Yariv | First 5 Authors: Avraham Gover, Bin Zhang, Du Ran, Reuven Ianconescu, Aharon Friedman | Summary: Free-Electron Bound-Electron Resonant Interaction (FEBERI) is the resonant inelastic interaction of periodically density-bunched free electrons with a quantum two level system. We present a comprehensive relativistic quantum mechanical theory for this interaction in a model […]

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Topology optimized multi-functional mechanically reconfigurable meta-optics studied at microwave frequencies

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Conner Ballew, Gregory Roberts, Philip Camayd-Muñoz, Maximilien F Debbas, Andrei Faraon | Summary: Metasurfaces advanced the field of optics by reducing the thickness of optical components and merging multiple functionalities into a single layer device. However, this generally comes with a reduction in performance, especially for multifunctional […]

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Self-assembling kinetics: Accessing a new design space via differentiable statistical-physics models

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brenner | First 5 Authors: Carl P. Goodrich, Ella M. King, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Ekin D. Cubuk, Michael Brenner | Summary: The inverse problem of designing component interactions to target emergent structure is fundamental to numerous applications in biotechnology, materials science, and statistical physics. Equally important is the inverse problem of designing […]

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Diffusing wave spectroscopy: a unified treatment on temporal sampling and speckle ensemble methods

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Jian Xu, Ali K. Jahromi, Changhuei Yang, , | Summary: Diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS) is a well-known set of methods to measure the temporal dynamics of dynamic samples. In DWS, dynamic samples scatter the incident coherent light, and the information of the temporal dynamics is encoded in […]

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