Numerical investigation of quantum phases and phase transitions in a two-leg ladder of Rydberg atoms

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Jose Soto Garcia, Natalia Chepiga, , , | Summary: Experiments on chains of Rydberg atoms appear as a new playground to study quantum phase transitions in 1D. As a natural extension, we report a quantitative ground-state phase diagram of Rydberg atoms arranged in a two-leg ladder that […]

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Numerical investigation of quantum phases and phase transitions in a two-leg ladder of Rydberg atoms

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Jose Soto, Natalia Chepiga, , , | Summary: Experiments on chains of Rydberg atoms appear as a new playground to study quantum phase transitions in 1D. As a natural extension, we report a quantitative ground-state phase diagram of Rydberg atoms arranged in a two-leg ladder that interact […]

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DexH2R: Task-oriented Dexterous Manipulation from Human to Robots

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Shuqi Zhao, Xinghao Zhu, Yuxin Chen, Chenran Li, Xiang Zhang | Summary: Dexterous manipulation is a critical aspect of human capability, enabling interaction with a wide variety of objects. Recent advancements in learning from human demonstrations and teleoperation have enabled progress for robots in such ability. However, […]

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Imagined Potential Games: A Framework for Simulating, Learning and Evaluating Interactive Behaviors

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Lingfeng Sun, Yixiao Wang, Pin-Yun Hung, Changhao Wang, Xiang Zhang | Summary: Interacting with human agents in complex scenarios presents a significant challenge for robotic navigation, particularly in environments that necessitate both collision avoidance and collaborative interaction, such as indoor spaces. Unlike static or predictably moving obstacles, […]

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Fast Unconditional Reset and Leakage Reduction of a Tunable Superconducting Qubit via an Engineered Dissipative Bath

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Gihwan Kim, Andreas Butler, Vinicius S. Ferreira, Xueyue Zhang, Alex Hadley | Summary: Rapid and accurate initialization of qubits, reset, is a crucial building block for various tasks in quantum information processing, such as quantum error-correction and estimation of statistics of noisy quantum devices with many qubits. […]

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Fast Unconditional Reset and Leakage Reduction of a Tunable Superconducting Qubit via an Engineered Dissipative Bath

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Gihwan Kim, Andreas Butler, Vinicius S. Ferreira, Xueyue Zhang, Alex Hadley | Summary: Rapid and accurate initialization of qubits, reset, is a crucial building block for various tasks in quantum information processing, such as quantum error-correction and estimation of statistics of noisy quantum devices with many qubits. […]

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High temperature diffusion enabled epitaxy of the Ti-O system

Kavli Affiliate: Joseph Falson | First 5 Authors: Jeong Rae Kim, Sandra Glotzer, Adrian Llanos, Salva Salmani-Rezaie, Joseph Falson | Summary: High temperatures promote kinetic processes which can drive crystal synthesis towards ideal thermodynamic conditions, thereby realizing samples of superior quality. While accessing very high temperatures in thin-film epitaxy is becoming increasingly accessible through laser-based […]

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Towards Nanoscale and Element-Specific Lattice Temperature Measurements using Core-Loss Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Levi D. Palmer, Wonseok Lee, Javier Fajardo, Jr., A. Alec Talin, Thomas E. Gage | Summary: Measuring nanoscale local temperatures, particularly in vertically integrated and multi-component systems, remains challenging. Spectroscopic techniques like X-ray absorption and core-loss electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) are sensitive to lattice temperature, but […]

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Artificial Intelligence End-to-End Workflow for Transmission Electron Microscopy: From Data Analysis Automation to Materials Knowledge Unveiling

Kavli Affiliate: Giordano Scappucci | First 5 Authors: Marc Botifoll, Ivan Pinto-Huguet, Enzo Rotunno, Thomas Galvani, Catalina Coll | Summary: This article introduces a groundbreaking analytical workflow designed for the holistic characterisation, modelling and physical simulation of device heterostructures. Our innovative workflow autonomously, comprehensively and locally characterises the crystallographic information and 3D orientation of the […]

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Dynamic Competition Between Orbital and Exchange Interactions Selectively Localizes Electrons and Holes Through Polarons

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Jocelyn L. Mendes, Hyun Jun Shin, Jae Yeon Seo, Nara Lee, Young Jai Choi | Summary: Controlling the effects of photoexcited polarons in transition metal oxides can enable the long timescale charge separation necessary for renewable energy applications as well as controlling new quantum phases through […]

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