Ultralight and ultra-stiff nano-cardboard panels: mechanical analysis, characterization, and design principles

Kavli Affiliate: Katia Bertoldi | First 5 Authors: Jong-hyoung Kim, Lishuai Jin, Benjamin C. Schafer, Quan Jiao, Katia Bertoldi | Summary: We introduce a class of ultra-light and ultra-stiff sandwich panels designed for use in photophoretic levitation applications and investigate their mechanical behavior using both computational analyses and micro-mechanical testing. The sandwich panels consist of […]

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Nonadditive Interactions Unlock Small-Particle Mobility in Binary Colloidal Monolayers

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg | First 5 Authors: Jonathan G. Raybin, Rebecca B. Wai, Naomi S. Ginsberg, , | Summary: We examine the organization and dynamics of binary colloidal monolayers composed of micron-scale silica particles interspersed with smaller-diameter silica particles that serve as minority component impurities. These binary monolayers are prepared at the surface […]

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Real-space imaging of polar and elastic nano-textures in thin films via inversion of diffraction data

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Ziming Shao, Noah Schnitzer, Jacob Ruf, Oleg Y. Gorobtsov, Cheng Dai | Summary: Exploiting the emerging nanoscale periodicities in epitaxial, single-crystal thin films is an exciting direction in quantum materials science: confinement and periodic distortions induce novel properties. The structural motifs of interest are ferroelastic, ferroelectric, […]

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Real-space imaging of polar and elastic nano-textures in thin films via inversion of diffraction data

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Ziming Shao, Noah Schnitzer, Jacob Ruf, Oleg Y. Gorobtsov, Cheng Dai | Summary: Exploiting the emerging nanoscale periodicities in epitaxial, single-crystal thin films is an exciting direction in quantum materials science: confinement and periodic distortions induce novel properties. The structural motifs of interest are ferroelastic, ferroelectric, […]

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Generation and propagation of solitary waves in nematic liquid crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Nicholas L. Abbott | First 5 Authors: Xingzhou Tang, Ali Mozaffari, Noe Atzin, Soumik Das, Nicholas L. Abbott | Summary: Solitons in nematic liquid crystals offer intriguing opportunities for transport and sensing in microfluidic systems. Little is known about the elementary conditions that are needed to create solitons in nematic materials. In this […]

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On codimension one partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Xiang Zhang, , , , | Summary: We show that every codimension one partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism must support on $mathbb{T}^{n}$. It is locally uniquely integrable and derived from a linear codimension one Anosov diffeomorphism. Moreover, this system is intrinsically ergodic, and the A. Katok’s conjecture about the […]

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The physical basis of self-organization of the mammalian oocyte spindle

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel J. Needleman | First 5 Authors: Colm P Kelleher, Daniel J Needleman, , , | Summary: To prepare gametes with the appropriate number of chromosomes, mammalian oocytes undergo two sequential cell divisions. During each division, a large, long-lived, microtubule-based organelle called the meiotic spindle assembles around condensed chromosomes. Although meiotic spindles have […]

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Long-Range Repulsion Between Chromosomes in Mammalian Oocyte Spindles

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel J. Needleman | First 5 Authors: Colm P Kelleher, Yash Rana, Daniel J Needleman, , | Summary: During eukaryotic cell division, a microtubule-based structure called the spindle exerts forces on chromosomes, thereby organizing and segregating them Extensive work demonstrates that the forces acting parallel to the spindle axis, including those responsible for […]

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Photonic Elementary Cellular Automata for Simulation of Complex Phenomena

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Gordon H. Y. Li, Christian R. Leefmans, James Williams, Alireza Marandi, | Summary: Cellular automata are a class of computational models based on simple rules and algorithms that can simulate a wide range of complex phenomena. However, when using conventional computers, these ‘simple’ rules are only encapsulated […]

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Stochastic thermodynamic bounds on logical circuit operation

Kavli Affiliate: David T. Limmer | First 5 Authors: Phillip Helms, David T. Limmer, , , | Summary: Using a thermodynamically consistent, mesoscopic model for modern complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors, we study an array of logical circuits and explore how their function is constrained by recent thermodynamic uncertainty relations when operating near thermal energies. For a […]

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