Unravelling the deterministic effect of the solid-state diffusion energy barrier for charge carrier on the self-discharge of supercapacitors

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Xiaohui Yan, Yue He, Xuncheng Liu, Siqi Jing, Jiajian Guan | Summary: The further development of fast electrochemical devices is hindered by self-discharge. Current strategies for suppressing self-discharge are mainly focused on the extrinsic and general mechanisms including faradaic reactions, charge redistribution, and ohmic leakage. However, the […]

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Faithful and Consistent Graph Neural Network Explanations with Rationale Alignment

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Tianxiang Zhao, Dongsheng Luo, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang, | Summary: Uncovering rationales behind predictions of graph neural networks (GNNs) has received increasing attention over recent years. Instance-level GNN explanation aims to discover critical input elements, like nodes or edges, that the target GNN relies upon for making […]

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Bifurcation instructed design of multistate machines

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Teaya Yang, David Hathcock, Yuchao Chen, Paul McEuen, James P. Sethna | Summary: We propose a novel design paradigm for multistate machines where transitions from one state to another are organized by bifurcations of multiple equilibria of the energy landscape describing the collective interactions of the machine […]

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Bifurcation instructed design of multistate machines

Kavli Affiliate: Paul McEuen | First 5 Authors: Teaya Yang, David Hathcock, Yuchao Chen, Paul McEuen, James P. Sethna | Summary: We propose a novel design paradigm for multistate machines where transitions from one state to another are organized by bifurcations of multiple equilibria of the energy landscape describing the collective interactions of the machine […]

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Dissipative Optomechanics in High-Frequency Nanomechanical Resonators

Kavli Affiliate: Simon Groblacher | First 5 Authors: AndrĂ© G. Primo, Pedro V. Pinho, Rodrigo Benevides, Simon Gröblacher, Gustavo S. Wiederhecker | Summary: The coherent transduction of information between microwave and optical domains is a fundamental building block for future quantum networks. A promising way to bridge these widely different frequencies is using high-frequency nanomechanical […]

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Observation of suppressed viscosity in the normal state of $^3$He due to superfluid fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak M. Parpia | First 5 Authors: Rakin N. Baten, Yefan Tian, Eric N. Smith, Erich Mueller, Jeevak M. Parpia | Summary: By monitoring the quality factor of a quartz tuning fork oscillator we have observed a fluctuation-driven reduction in the viscosity of bulk $^3$He in the normal state near the superfluid transition […]

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Observation of suppressed viscosity in the normal state of $^3$He due to superfluid fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak M. Parpia | First 5 Authors: Rakin N. Baten, Yefan Tian, Eric N. Smith, Erich Mueller, Jeevak M. Parpia | Summary: By monitoring the quality factor of a quartz tuning fork oscillator we have observed a fluctuation-driven reduction in the viscosity of bulk $^3$He in the normal state near the superfluid transition […]

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Recurrent flow patterns as a basis for turbulence: predicting statistics from structures

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Jacob Page, Peter Norgaard, Michael P. Brenner, Rich R. Kerswell, | Summary: A dynamical systems approach to turbulence envisions the flow as a trajectory through a high-dimensional state space transiently visiting the neighbourhoods of unstable simple invariant solutions (E. Hopf, Commun. Appl. Maths 1, 303, 1948). […]

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Resonance fluorescence of a chiral artificial atom

Kavli Affiliate: Mohammad Mirhosseini | First 5 Authors: Chaitali Joshi, Frank Yang, Mohammad Mirhosseini, , | Summary: We demonstrate a superconducting artificial atom with strong unidirectional coupling to a microwave photonic waveguide. Our artificial atom is realized by coupling a transmon qubit to the waveguide at two spatially separated points with time-modulated interactions. Direction-sensitive interference […]

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