Visible to Ultraviolet Frequency Comb Generation in Lithium Niobate Nanophotonic Waveguides

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Tsung-Han Wu, Luis Ledezma, Connor Fredrick, Pooja Sekhar, Ryoto Sekine | Summary: The introduction of nonlinear nanophotonic devices to the field of optical frequency comb metrology has enabled new opportunities for low-power and chip-integrated clocks, high-precision frequency synthesis, and broad bandwidth spectroscopy. However, most of these advances […]

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Entangled Photon Correlations Allow a Continuous-Wave Laser Diode to Measure Single Photon, Time-Resolved Fluorescence

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Nathan Harper, Bryce P. Hickam, Manni He, Scott K. Cushing, | Summary: Fluorescence lifetime experiments are a standard approach for measuring excited state dynamics and local environment effects. Here, we show that entangled photon pairs produced from a continuous-wave (CW) laser diode can replicate pulsed laser […]

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Kähler-Ricci flow on $mathbf G$-spherical Fano manifolds

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Feng Wang, Xiaohua Zhu | Summary: We prove that the Gromov-Hausdorff limit of K”ahler-Ricci flow on a $mathbf G$-spherical Fano manifold $X$ is a $mathbf G$-spherical $mathbb Q$-Fano variety $X_{infty}$, which admits a (singular) K”ahler-Ricci soliton. Moreover, the $mathbf G$-spherical variety structure of $X_{infty}$ can be constructed […]

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Zonal flows and reversals of cortically confined active suspensions

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: J. S. Yodh, F. Giardina, S. Gokhale, L. Mahadevan, | Summary: At sufficiently high concentrations, motile bacteria suspended in fluids exhibit a range of ordered and disordered collective motions. Here we explore the combined effects of confinement, periodicity and curvature induced by the active motion of E. […]

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Phonon-driven femtosecond dynamics of excitons in crystalline pentacene from first principles

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Galit Cohen, Jonah B. Haber, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Diana Y. Qiu, Sivan Refaely-Abramson | Summary: Non-radiative exciton relaxation processes are critical for energy transduction efficiencies in optoelectronic materials, but how these processes are connected to the underlying crystal structure and its associated electron, exciton, and phonon […]

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Enhanced sensitivity via non-Hermitian topology

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Midya Parto, Christian Leefmans, James Williams, Alireza Marandi, | Summary: Sensors are indispensable tools of modern life that are ubiquitously used in diverse settings ranging from smartphones and autonomous vehicles to the healthcare industry and space technology. By interfacing multiple sensors that collectively interact with the signal […]

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Engineering cubic quantum nondemolition Hamiltonian with mesoscopic optical parametric interactions

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Ryotatsu Yanagimoto, Rajveer Nehra, Edwin Ng, Alireza Marandi, Hideo Mabuchi | Summary: We propose a scheme to realize cubic quantum nondemolition (QND) Hamiltonian with optical parametric interactions. We show that strongly squeezed fundamental and second harmonic fields propagating in a $chi^{(2)}$ nonlinear medium effectively evolve under a […]

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Surface oxides, carbides, and impurities on RF superconducting Nb and Nb3Sn: A comprehensive analysis

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Zeming Sun, Zhaslan Baraissov, Catherine A. Dukes, Darrah K. Dare, Thomas Oseroff | Summary: Surface structures on radio-frequency (RF) superconductors are crucially important in determining their interaction with the RF field. Here we investigate the surface compositions, structural profiles, and valence distributions of oxides, carbides, and […]

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Emergent U(1) symmetry in non-particle-conserving one-dimensional models

Kavli Affiliate: Natalia Chepiga | First 5 Authors: Zakaria Jouini, Natalia Chepiga, Loic Herviou, Frédéric Mila, | Summary: The properties of stable Luttinger liquid phases in models with a non-conserved number of particles are investigated. We study the Luttinger liquid phases in one-dimensional models of hard-core boson and spinless fermion chains where particles can be […]

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Cross-view Action Recognition via Contrastive View-invariant Representation

Kavli Affiliate: Dan Luo | First 5 Authors: Yuexi Zhang, Dan Luo, Balaji Sundareshan, Octavia Camps, Mario Sznaier | Summary: Cross view action recognition (CVAR) seeks to recognize a human action when observed from a previously unseen viewpoint. This is a challenging problem since the appearance of an action changes significantly with the viewpoint. Applications […]

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