High-dimensional time-frequency entanglement in a singly-filtered biphoton frequency comb

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Xiang Cheng, Kai-Chi Chang, Murat Can Sarihan, Andrew Mueller, Maria Spiropulu | Summary: High-dimensional quantum entanglement is a cornerstone for advanced technology enabling large-scale noise-tolerant quantum systems, fault-tolerant quantum computing, and distributed quantum networks. The recently developed biphoton frequency comb (BFC) provides a powerful platform for high-dimensional […]

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High-dimensional time-frequency entanglement in a singly-filtered biphoton frequency comb

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Xiang Cheng, Kai-Chi Chang, Murat Can Sarihan, Andrew Mueller, Maria Spiropulu | Summary: High-dimensional quantum entanglement is a cornerstone for advanced technology enabling large-scale noise-tolerant quantum systems, fault-tolerant quantum computing, and distributed quantum networks. The recently developed biphoton frequency comb (BFC) provides a powerful platform for high-dimensional […]

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Fully scalable randomized benchmarking without motion reversal

Kavli Affiliate: Birgitta Whaley | First 5 Authors: Jordan Hines, Daniel Hothem, Robin Blume-Kohout, Birgitta Whaley, Timothy Proctor | Summary: We introduce binary randomized benchmarking (BiRB), a protocol that streamlines traditional RB by using circuits consisting almost entirely of i.i.d. layers of gates. BiRB reliably and efficiently extracts the average error rate of a Clifford […]

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Approximate Lie symmetries and singular perturbation theory

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Dear, L. Mahadevan, , , | Summary: Perturbation theory plays a central role in the approximate solution of nonlinear differential equations. The resultant series expansions are usually divergent and require treatment by singular perturbation methods to generate uniformly valid solutions. However, applying these methods is […]

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Approximate Lie symmetries and singular perturbation theory

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Dear, L. Mahadevan, , , | Summary: Singular perturbation theory plays a central role in the approximate solution of nonlinear differential equations. However, applying these methods is a subtle art owing to the lack of globally applicable algorithms. Inspired by the fact that all exact […]

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The Effectiveness of Security Interventions on GitHub

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Felix Fischer, Jonas Höbenreich, Jens Grossklags, , | Summary: Since 2017, GitHub has been the first online open source platform to show security warnings to its users. It has since introduced further security interventions to help developers improve the security of their open source software. In this […]

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The Effectiveness of Security Interventions on GitHub

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Felix Fischer, Jonas Höbenreich, Jens Grossklags, , | Summary: In 2017, GitHub was the first online open source platform to show security alerts to its users. It has since introduced further security interventions to help developers improve the security of their open source software. In this study, […]

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The Effectiveness of Security Interventions on GitHub

Kavli Affiliate: Felix Fischer | First 5 Authors: Felix Fischer, Jonas Höbenreich, Jens Grossklags, , | Summary: In 2017, GitHub was the first online open source platform to show security alerts to its users. It has since introduced further security interventions to help developers improve the security of their open source software. In this study, […]

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Multi-Octave Frequency Comb from an Ultra-Low-Threshold Nanophotonic Parametric Oscillator

Kavli Affiliate: Alireza Marandi | First 5 Authors: Ryoto Sekine, Robert M. Gray, Luis Ledezma, Selina Zhou, Qiushi Guo | Summary: Ultrabroadband frequency combs coherently unite distant portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. They underpin discoveries in ultrafast science and serve as the building blocks of modern photonic technologies. Despite tremendous progress in integrated sources of […]

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Coherent spin dynamics between electron and nucleus within a single atom

Kavli Affiliate: Sander Otte | First 5 Authors: Lukas M. Veldman, Evert W. Stolte, Mark P. Canavan, Rik Broekhoven, Philip Willke | Summary: The nuclear spin, being much more isolated from the environment than its electronic counterpart, enables quantum experiments with prolonged coherence times and presents a gateway towards uncovering the intricate dynamics within an […]

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