Joint Optimization of Hadamard Sensing and Reconstruction in Compressed Sensing Fluorescence Microscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Chris Xu | First 5 Authors: Alan Q. Wang, Aaron K. LaViolette, Leo Moon, Chris Xu, Mert R. Sabuncu | Summary: Compressed sensing fluorescence microscopy (CS-FM) proposes a scheme whereby less measurements are collected during sensing and reconstruction is performed to recover the image. Much work has gone into optimizing the sensing and […]

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Understanding mechanisms of thermal expansion in PbTiO$_3$ thin-films from first principles: role of high-order phonon-strain anharmonicity

Kavli Affiliate: Nicole A. Benedek | First 5 Authors: Ethan T. Ritz, Nicole A. Benedek, , , | Summary: The thermal properties of materials are critically important to various technologies and are increasingly the target of materials design efforts. However, it is only relatively recent advances in first-principles computational techniques that have enabled researchers to […]

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Spin-Phonon Interaction in Yttrium Iron Garnet

Kavli Affiliate: Nicole A. Benedek | First 5 Authors: Kevin S. Olsson, Jeongheon Choe, Martin Rodriguez-Vega, Guru Khalsa, Nicole A. Benedek | Summary: Spin-phonon interaction is an important channel for spin and energy relaxation in magnetic insulators. Understanding this interaction is critical for developing magnetic insulator-based spintronic devices. Quantifying this interaction in yttrium iron garnet […]

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Accurate Measurement of the Gap of Graphene/hBN Moiré Superlattice through Photocurrent Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. McEuen | First 5 Authors: Tianyi Han, Jixiang Yang, Qihang Zhang, Lei Wang, Kenji Watanabe | Summary: Monolayer graphene aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) develops a gap at the charge neutrality point (CNP). This gap has previously been extensively studied by electrical transport through thermal activation measurements. Here, we report […]

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Accurate Measurement of the Gap of Graphene/hBN Moiré Superlattice through Photocurrent Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Paul L. McEuen | First 5 Authors: Tianyi Han, Jixiang Yang, Qihang Zhang, Lei Wang, Kenji Watanabe | Summary: Monolayer graphene aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) develops a gap at the charge neutrality point (CNP). This gap has previously been extensively studied by electrical transport through thermal activation measurements. Here, we report […]

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Scaling of dynamical susceptibility at the onset of rigidity for disordered viscoelastic matter

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Danilo B. Liarte, Stephen J. Thornton, Eric Schwen, Itai Cohen, Debanjan Chowdhury | Summary: The onset of rigidity in interacting liquids, as they undergo a transition to a disordered solid, is associated with a dramatic rearrangement of the low-frequency vibrational spectrum. In this letter, we derive scaling […]

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Universal scaling for disordered viscoelastic matter I: Dynamic susceptibility at the onset of rigidity

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Danilo B. Liarte, Stephen J. Thornton, Eric Schwen, Itai Cohen, Debanjan Chowdhury | Summary: The onset of rigidity in interacting liquids, as they undergo a transition to a disordered solid, is associated with a dramatic rearrangement of the low-frequency vibrational spectrum. In this letter, we derive scaling […]

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Universal scaling for disordered viscoelastic matter near the onset of rigidity

Kavli Affiliate: Itai Cohen | First 5 Authors: Danilo B. Liarte, Stephen J. Thornton, Eric Schwen, Itai Cohen, Debanjan Chowdhury | Summary: The onset of rigidity in interacting liquids, as they undergo a transition to a disordered solid, is associated with a rearrangement of the low-frequency vibrational spectrum. In this letter, we derive scaling forms […]

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Momentum-resolved electronic band structure and offsets in an epitaxial NbN/GaN superconductor/semiconductor heterojunction

Kavli Affiliate: David Muller | First 5 Authors: Tianlun Yu, John Wright, Guru Khalsa, Betül Pamuk, Celesta S. Chang | Summary: The electronic structure of heterointerfaces play a pivotal role in their device functionality. Recently, highly crystalline ultrathin films of superconducting NbN have been integrated by molecular beam epitaxy with the semiconducting GaN. We use […]

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The Mesoscale Crystallinity of Nacreous Pearls

Kavli Affiliate: Lara A. Estroff | First 5 Authors: Jiseok Gim, Alden Koch, Laura M. Otter, Benjamin H. Savitzky, Sveinung Erland | Summary: A pearl’s distinguished beauty and toughness are attributable to the periodic stacking of aragonite tablets known as nacre. Nacre has naturally occurring mesoscale periodicity that remarkably arises in the absence of discrete […]

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