Visualizing the Energy-gap Modulations of the Cuprate Pair Density Wave State

Kavli Affiliate: J. C. Davis | First 5 Authors: Zengyi Du, Hui Li, Sanghyun Joo, Elizabeth P. Donoway, Jinho Lee | Summary: When Cooper pairs are formed with finite center-of-mass momentum, the defining characteristic is a spatially modulating superconducting energy gap $Delta(r)$. Recently, this concept has been generalized to the pair density wave (PDW) state […]

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Sagnac interferometry for high-sensitivity optical measurements of spin-orbit torque

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel C. Ralph | First 5 Authors: Saba Karimeddiny, Thow Min Cham, Daniel C. Ralph, Yunqiu Kelly Luo, | Summary: We adapt Sagnac interferometry for magneto-optic Kerr effect measurements of spin-orbit-torque-induced magnetic tilting in thin-film magnetic samples. The high sensitivity of Sagnac interferometry permits for the first time optical quantification of spin-orbit torque […]

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In-situ non-equilibrium nanomechanics in a proton-conducting ceramic at low temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Suntivich | First 5 Authors: Oleg Yu. Gorobtsov, Yumeng Song, Kevin Fritz, Daniel Weinstock, Yifei Sun | Summary: Nanostructured proton-conducting ceramics (PCCs) have attracted considerable interest as moderate-temperature proton conductors. Structure dynamics during proton conduction, particularly at grain boundaries, are crucial for stability and proton transport in nanostructured PCCs. A common assumption […]

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In-situ non-equilibrium nanomechanics in a proton-conducting ceramic at low temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Suntivich | First 5 Authors: Oleg Yu. Gorobtsov, Yumeng Song, Kevin Fritz, Daniel Weinstock, Yifei Sun | Summary: Nanostructured proton-conducting ceramics (PCCs) have attracted considerable interest as moderate-temperature proton conductors. Structure dynamics during proton conduction, particularly at grain boundaries, are crucial for stability and proton transport in nanostructured PCCs. A common assumption […]

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In-situ non-equilibrium nanomechanics in a proton-conducting ceramic at low temperatures

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Suntivich | First 5 Authors: Oleg Yu. Gorobtsov, Yumeng Song, Kevin Fritz, Daniel Weinstock, Yifei Sun | Summary: Nanostructured proton-conducting ceramics (PCCs) have attracted considerable interest as moderate-temperature proton conductors. Structure dynamics during proton conduction, particularly at grain boundaries, are crucial for stability and proton transport in nanostructured PCCs. A common assumption […]

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A Strategy to Identify Materials Exhibiting a Large Nonlinear Phononics Response: Tuning the Ultrafast Structural Response of LaAlO$_3$ with Pressure

Kavli Affiliate: Nicole A. Benedek | First 5 Authors: Jeffrey Z. Kaaret, Guru Khalsa, Nicole A. Benedek, , | Summary: We use theory and first-principles calculations to investigate how structural changes induced by ultrafast optical excitation of infrared-active phonons change with hydrostatic pressure in LaAlO$_3$. Our calculations show that the observed structural changes are sensitive […]

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A Strategy to Identify Materials Exhibiting a Large Nonlinear Phononics Response: Tuning the Ultrafast Structural Response of LaAlO$_3$ with Pressure

Kavli Affiliate: Nicole A. Benedek | First 5 Authors: Jeffrey Z. Kaaret, Guru Khalsa, Nicole A. Benedek, , | Summary: We use theory and first-principles calculations to investigate how structural changes induced by ultrafast optical excitation of infrared-active phonons change with hydrostatic pressure in LaAlO$_3$. Our calculations show that the observed structural changes are sensitive […]

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Optically Pumped AlGaN Double Heterostructure Deep-UV Laser by Molecular Beam Homoepitaxy: Mirror Imperfections and Cavity Loss

Kavli Affiliate: Grace Xing | First 5 Authors: Len van Deurzen, Ryan Page, Vladimir Protasenko, Huili, Xing | Summary: We demonstrate the first optically pumped sub-300 nm UV laser structures grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on single-crystal bulk AlN. The edge-emitting laser structures fabricated with the AlN/AlGaN heterostructures exhibit multi-mode emission with peak gain […]

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Superconductivity in a quintuple-layer square-planar nickelate

Kavli Affiliate: Lena F. Kourkoutis | First 5 Authors: Grace A. Pan, Dan Ferenc Segedin, Harrison LaBollita, Qi Song, Emilian M. Nica | Summary: Since the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in the copper oxide materials, there have been sustained efforts to both understand the origins of this phase and discover new cuprate-like superconducting materials. One […]

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Infrared dielectric functions and Brillouin zone center phonons of $α$-Ga$_2$O$_3$ compared to $α$-Al$_2$O$_3$

Kavli Affiliate: Debdeep Jena | First 5 Authors: Megan Stokey, Rafal Korlacki, Matthew Hilfiker, Sean Knight, Steffen Richter | Summary: We determine the anisotropic dielectric functions of rhombohedral $alpha$-Ga$_2$O$_3$ by far-infrared and infrared generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry and derive all transverse optical and longitudinal optical phonon mode frequencies and broadening parameters. We also determine the high […]

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