Observation of suppressed viscosity in the normal state of $^3$He due to superfluid fluctuations

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak M. Parpia

| First 5 Authors: Rakin N. Baten, Yefan Tian, Eric N. Smith, Erich Mueller, Jeevak M. Parpia

| Summary:

By monitoring the quality factor of a quartz tuning fork oscillator we have
observed a fluctuation-driven reduction in the viscosity of bulk $^3$He in the
normal state near the superfluid transition temperature, $T_c$. These
fluctuations, which are only found within $100 mu$K of $T_c$, play a vital
role in the theoretical modeling of ordering; they encode details about the
Fermi liquid parameters, pairing symmetry, and scattering phase shifts. They
will be of crucial importance for transport probes of the topologically
nontrivial features of superfluid $^3$He under strong confinement. Here we
characterize the temperature and pressure dependence of the fluctuation
signature, finding data collapse consistent with the predicted theoretical

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jeevak M. Parpia”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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