Linear and Nonlinear Optical constants of BiFeO_3

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell Schlom | First 5 Authors: Amit Kumar, R. Rai, Nikolas Podraza, Sava Denev, Mariola Ramirez | Summary: Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, the refractive index and absorption versus wavelength of the ferroelectric antiferromagnet Bismuth Ferrite, BiFeO_3 is reported. The material has a direct band-gap at 442 nm wavelength (2.81 eV). Using optical second harmonic […]

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Scanned Potential Microscopy of Edge and Bulk Currents in the Quantum Hall Regime

Kavli Affiliate: Paul McEuen | First 5 Authors: Kent L. McCormick, Michael T. Woodside, Mike Huang, Mingshaw Wu, Paul McEuen | Summary: Using an atomic force microscope as a local voltmeter, we measure the Hall voltage profile in a 2D electron gas in the quantum Hall (QH) regime. We observe a linear profile in the […]

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