Time-reversal symmetry breaking fractional quantum spin Hall insulator in moiré MoTe2

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Kaifei Kang, Yichen Qiu, Bowen Shen, Kihong Lee, Zhengchao Xia | Summary: Twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, which support flat Chern bands with enhanced interaction effects, realize a platform for fractional Chern insulators and fractional quantum spin Hall (FQSH) insulators. A recent experiment has reported the […]

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Time-reversal symmetry breaking fractional quantum spin Hall insulator in moiré MoTe2

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Kaifei Kang, Yichen Qiu, Bowen Shen, Kihong Lee, Zhengchao Xia | Summary: Twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, which support flat Chern bands with enhanced interaction effects, realize a platform for fractional Chern insulators and fractional quantum spin Hall (FQSH) insulators. A recent experiment has reported the […]

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Time-reversal symmetry breaking fractional quantum spin Hall insulator in moiré MoTe2

Kavli Affiliate: Jie Shan | First 5 Authors: Kaifei Kang, Yichen Qiu, Bowen Shen, Kihong Lee, Zhengchao Xia | Summary: Twisted bilayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors, which support flat Chern bands with enhanced interaction effects, realize a platform for fractional Chern insulators and fractional quantum spin Hall (FQSH) insulators. A recent experiment has reported the […]

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Emittance Minimization for Aberration Correction I: Aberration correction of an electron microscope without knowing the aberration coefficients

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Desheng Ma, Steven E. Zeltmann, Chenyu Zhang, Zhaslan Baraissov, Yu-Tsun Shao | Summary: Precise alignment of the electron beam is critical for successful application of scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM) to understanding materials at atomic level. Despite the success of aberration correctors, aberration correction is still […]

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Emittance Minimization for Aberration Correction II: Physics-informed Bayesian Optimization of an Electron Microscope

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Desheng Ma, Steven E. Zeltmann, Chenyu Zhang, Zhaslan Baraissov, Yu-Tsun Shao | Summary: Aberration-corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) has become an essential tool in understanding materials at the atomic scale. However, tuning the aberration corrector to produce a sub-{AA}ngstr"om probe is a complex and time-costly […]

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Emittance Minimization for Aberration Correction II: Physics-informed Bayesian Optimization of an Electron Microscope

Kavli Affiliate: David A. Muller | First 5 Authors: Desheng Ma, Steven E. Zeltmann, Chenyu Zhang, Zhaslan Baraissov, Yu-Tsun Shao | Summary: Aberration-corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) has become an essential tool in understanding materials at the atomic scale. However, tuning the aberration corrector to produce a sub-{AA}ngstr"om probe is a complex and time-costly […]

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Direct Comparison of Magnetic Penetration Depth in Kagome Superconductors AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A = Cs, K, Rb)

Kavli Affiliate: Katja C. Nowack | First 5 Authors: Austin Kaczmarek, Andrea Capa Salinas, Stephen D. Wilson, Katja C. Nowack, | Summary: We report measurements of the local temperature-dependent penetration depth, $lambda(T)$, in the Kagome superconductors AV$_3$Sb$_5$ (A = Cs, K, Rb) using scanning superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) microscopy. Our results suggest that the […]

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Picosecond expansion in LaAlO3 resonantly driven by infrared-active phonons

Kavli Affiliate: Darrell G. Schlom | First 5 Authors: Jakob Gollwitzer, Jeffrey Z. Kaaret, Y. Eren Suyolcu, Guru Khalsa, Rylan C. Fernandes | Summary: We investigate the ultrafast structural dynamics of LaAlO3 thin films driven by short mid-infrared laser pulses at 20 THz. Time-resolved X-ray diffraction reveals an immediate lattice expansion and an acoustic breathing […]

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Digital Transformation in Switzerland: The Current State and Expectations

Kavli Affiliate: Johannes Lehmann | First 5 Authors: Johannes Lehmann, Michael Beckmann, , , | Summary: This paper provides a comprehensive, descriptive overview of the current state of digital transformation in the Swiss economy and delineates areas that businesses should keep an eye on. Key findings illustrate that even established technologies are not universally adopted, […]

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Digital technologies and performance incentives: Evidence from businesses in the Swiss economy

Kavli Affiliate: Johannes Lehmann | First 5 Authors: Johannes Lehmann, Michael Beckmann, , , | Summary: Using novel survey data from Swiss firms, this paper empirically examines the relationship between the use of digital technologies and the prevalence of performance incentives. We argue that digital technologies tend to reduce the cost of organizational monitoring through […]

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