Electron Thermalization and Relaxation in Laser-Heated Nickel by Few-Femtosecond Core-Level Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Hung-Tzu Chang, Alexander Guggenmos, Scott K. Cushing, Yang Cui, Naseem Ud Din | Summary: Direct measurements of photoexcited carrier dynamics in nickel are made using few-femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) transient absorption spectroscopy at the nickel M$_{2,3}$ edge. It is observed that the core-level absorption lineshape of […]

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Sub-Kelvin Cooling for the BICEP Array Project

Kavli Affiliate: James Bock | First 5 Authors: Lionel Duband, Thomas Prouve, James Bock, Lorenzo Moncelsi, Alessandro Schillaci | Summary: In the field of astrophysics, the faint signal from distant galaxies and other dim cosmological sources at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths require the use of high-sensitivity experiments. Cryogenics and the use of low-temperature detectors are […]

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Hertz-linewidth semiconductor lasers using CMOS-ready ultra-high-$Q$ microresonators

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Warren Jin, Qi-Fan Yang, Lin Chang, Boqiang Shen, Heming Wang | Summary: Driven by narrow-linewidth bench-top lasers, coherent optical systems spanning optical communications, metrology and sensing provide unrivalled performance. To transfer these capabilities from the laboratory to the real world, a key missing ingredient is a […]

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Topological phonon transport in an optomechanical system

Kavli Affiliate: Oskar Painter | First 5 Authors: Hengjiang Ren, Tirth Shah, Hannes Pfeifer, Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano | Summary: Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but also to manipulate the motion of mechanical objects down to the level […]

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Tunable intraband optical conductivity and polarization-dependent epsilon-near-zero behavior in black phosphorus

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Souvik Biswas, William S. Whitney, Meir Y. Grajower, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi | Summary: Black phosphorus (BP) offers considerable promise for infrared and visible photonics. Efficient tuning of the bandgap and higher subbands in BP by modulation of the Fermi level or application of vertical electric […]

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Multifunctional on-chip storage at telecommunication wavelength for quantum networks

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Ioana Craiciu, Mi Lei, Jake Rochman, John G. Bartholomew, Andrei Faraon | Summary: Quantum networks will enable a variety of applications, from secure communication and precision measurements to distributed quantum computing. Storing photonic qubits and controlling their frequency, bandwidth and retrieval time are important functionalities in future […]

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Nanofibril-mediated Fracture Resistance of Bone

Kavli Affiliate: Julia R. Greer | First 5 Authors: Ottman A. Tertuliano, Bryce W. Edwards, Lucas R. Meza, Vikram S. Deshpande, Julia R. Greer | Summary: Natural hard composites like human bone possess a combination of strength and toughness that exceeds that of their constituents and of many engineered composites. This augmentation is attributed to […]

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Microtextures in the Chelyabinsk impact breccia reveal the history of Phosphorus-Olivine-Assemblages in chondrites

Kavli Affiliate: Paul D. Asimow | First 5 Authors: Craig R. Walton, Ioannis Baziotis, Ana Černok, Oliver Shorttle, Paul D. Asimow | Summary: The geochemistry and textural associations of chondritic phosphate minerals can provide insights into the geological histories of parental asteroids, but the processes governing their formation and deformation remain poorly constrained. Here, we […]

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Surface wave non-reciprocity via time-modulated metamaterials

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Antonio Palermo, Paolo Celli, Behrooz Yousefzadeh, Chiara Daraio, Alessandro Marzani | Summary: We investigate how Rayleigh waves interact with modulated resonators located on the free surface of a semi-infinite elastic medium. We begin by studying the dynamics of a single resonator with time-modulated stiffness. In particular, we […]

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Nanoscale axial position and orientation measurement of hexagonal boron nitride quantum emitters using a tunable nanophotonic environment

Kavli Affiliate: Harry A. Atwater | First 5 Authors: Pankaj K. Jha, Hamidreza Akbari, Yonghwi Kim, Souvik Biswas, Harry A. Atwater | Summary: Color centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) have emerged as promising candidates for single-photon emitters (SPEs) due to their bright emission characteristics at room temperature. In contrast to mono- and few-layered hBN, […]

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