Spectroscopy Signatures of Electron Correlations in a Trilayer Graphene/hBN Moiré Superlattice

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Jixiang Yang, Guorui Chen, Tianyi Han, Qihang Zhang, Ya-Hui Zhang | Summary: ABC-stacked trilayer graphene/hBN moir’e superlattice (TLG/hBN) has emerged as a playground for correlated electron physics. We report spectroscopy measurements of dual-gated TLG/hBN using Fourier transformed infrared photocurrent spectroscopy. We observed a strong optical transition between […]

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Exploring Edge Disentanglement for Node Classification

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Tianxiang Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang, , | Summary: Edges in real-world graphs are typically formed by a variety of factors and carry diverse relation semantics. For example, connections in a social network could indicate friendship, being colleagues, or living in the same neighborhood. However, these latent […]

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Performance evaluation of baseline-dependent averaging based onfull-scale SKA1-LOW simulation

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Qing-Wen Deng, Feng Wang, Hui Deng, Ying Mei, Jing Li | Summary: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is the largest radio interferometer under construction in the world. Its immense amount of visibility data poses a considerable challenge to the subsequent processing by the science data processor (SDP). […]

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Evidence for a spinon Kondo effect in cobalt atoms on single-layer 1T-TaSe$_2$

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang | First 5 Authors: Yi Chen, Wen-Yu He, Wei Ruan, Jinwoong Hwang, Shujie Tang | Summary: Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) are highly entangled, disordered magnetic states that arise in frustrated Mott insulators and host exotic fractional excitations such as spinons and chargons. Despite being charge insulators some QSLs are predicted to […]

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An Optimally-Tuned Starting Point for Single-Shot $GW$ Calculations of Solids

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Stephen E. Gant, Jonah B. Haber, Marina R. Filip, Francisca Sagredo, Dahvyd Wing | Summary: The dependence of ab initio many-body perturbation theory within the $GW$ approximation on the eigensystem used in calculating quasiparticle corrections limits this method’s predictive power. Here, we investigate the accuracy of […]

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Rapid discovery of cathodes, ionic conductors and solid-state electrolytes through topological migration analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Jimmy-Xuan Shen, Haoming Howard Li, Ann C. Rutt, Matthew K. Horton, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: We present a graph-theoretic analysis framework for ion migration in solid-state materials. The nodes of the graph are the metastable sites of the cation and the edges are discrete migration […]

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Topological Graph-based Analysis of Solid-State Ion Migration

Kavli Affiliate: Kristin A. Persson | First 5 Authors: Jimmy-Xuan Shen, Haoming Howard Li, Ann Rutt, Matthew K. Horton, Kristin A. Persson | Summary: To accelerate the development of novel ion-conducting materials, we present a general graph-theoretic analysis framework for ion migration in any crystalline structure. The nodes of the graph represent metastable sites of […]

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AutoDistil: Few-shot Task-agnostic Neural Architecture Search for Distilling Large Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Dongkuan Xu, Subhabrata Mukherjee, Xiaodong Liu, Debadeepta Dey, Wenhui Wang | Summary: Knowledge distillation (KD) methods compress large models into smaller students with manually-designed student architectures given pre-specified computational cost. This requires several trials to find a viable student, and further repeating the process for each student […]

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High throughput data-driven design of laser crystallized 2D MoS2 chemical sensors

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang | First 5 Authors: Drake Austin, Paige Miesle, Deanna Sessions, Michael Motala, David Moore | Summary: High throughput characterization and processing techniques are becoming increasingly necessary to navigate multivariable, data-driven design challenges for sensors and electronic devices. For two-dimensional materials, device performance is highly dependent upon a vast array of material […]

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Broadband Squeezed Microwaves and Amplification with a Josephson Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi | First 5 Authors: Jack Y. Qiu, Arne Grimsmo, Kaidong Peng, Bharath Kannan, Benjamin Lienhard | Summary: Squeezing of the electromagnetic vacuum is an essential metrological technique that is used to reduce quantum noise in applications spanning gravitational wave detection, biological microscopy, and quantum information science. In circuit quantum electrodynamics, squeezed […]

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