(21238) 1995 WV7: A New Basaltic Asteroid Outside the 3:1 Mean Motion Resonance

Kavli Affiliate: Geza Gyuk | First 5 Authors: Mark Hammergren, Geza Gyuk, Andrew Puckett, , | Summary: We report visible to near-infrared spectroscopy and spectrophotometry of asteroid (21238) 1995 WV7 that reveal the presence of deep absorption bands indicating a V taxonomic type with an apparently basaltic surface composition. Since this asteroid is on the […]

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The spaces of Laurent polynomials, $mathbb{P}^1$-orbifolds, and integrable hierarchies

Kavli Affiliate: Todor E. Milanov | First 5 Authors: Todor E. Milanov, Hsian-Hua Tseng, , , | Summary: Let $M_{k,m}$ be the space of Laurent polynomials in one variable $x^k + t_1 x^{k-1}+… t_{k+m}x^{-m},$ where $k,mgeq 1$ are fixed integers and $t_{k+m}neq 0$. According to B. Dubrovin cite{D}, $M_{k,m}$ can be equipped with a semi-simple […]

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Gromov–Witten Theory of CP^1 and Integrable Hierarchies

Kavli Affiliate: Todor E. Milanov | First 5 Authors: Todor E. Milanov, , , , | Summary: The ancestor Gromov–Witten invariants of a compact {Kahler} manifold $X$ can be organized in a generating function called the total ancestor potential of $X$. In this paper, we construct Hirota Quadratic Equations (HQE shortly) for the total ancestor […]

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On the Putative Detection of z>0 X-ray Absorption Features in the Spectrum of Markarian 421

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew P. Rasmussen | First 5 Authors: Andrew P. Rasmussen, Steven M. Kahn, Frits Paerels, Jan Willem den Herder, Jelle Kaastra | Summary: In a series of papers, Nicastro et al. have reported the detection of z>0 OVII absorption features in the spectrum of Mrk421 obtained with the Chandra Low Energy Transmission Grating […]

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X-ray flare modeling in the single giant HR 9024

Kavli Affiliate: David Huenemoerder | First 5 Authors: Paola Testa, David Garcia-Alvarez, Fabio Reale, David Huenemoerder, | Summary: We analyze a Chandra-HETGS observation of the single G-type giant HR 9024. The high flux allows us to examine spectral line and continuum diagnostics at high temporal resolution, to derive plasma parameters (thermal distribution, abundances, temperature, …). […]

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A Galactic Origin for the Local Ionized X-ray Absorbers

Kavli Affiliate: Claude Canizares | First 5 Authors: Taotao Fang, Christopher McKee, Claude Canizares, Mark Wolfire, | Summary: Recent Chandra and XMM observations of distant quasars have shown strong local (z~0) X-ray absorption lines from highly ionized gas, primarily He-like oxygen. The nature of these X-ray absorbers, i.e., whether they are part of the hot […]

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The First Chandra Field

Kavli Affiliate: Robert A. Cameron | First 5 Authors: Martin C. Weisskopf, Thomas L. Aldcroft, Robert A. Cameron, Poshak Gandhi, Cédric Foellmi | Summary: Before the official first-light images, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory obtained an X-ray image of the field to which its focal plane was first exposed. We describe this historic observation and report […]

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Discovery of Oxygen Kalpha X-ray Emission from the Rings of Saturn

Kavli Affiliate: Peter G. Ford | First 5 Authors: Anil Bhardwaj, Ronald F. Elsner, J. Hunter Waite, Jr., G. Randall Gladstone, Thomas E. Cravens | Summary: Using the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS), the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO) observed the Saturnian system for one rotation of the planet (~37 ks) on 20 January, 2004, and […]

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