Will LISA Detect Harmonic Gravitational Waves from Galactic Cosmic String Loops?

Kavli Affiliate: Craig J. Hogan | First 5 Authors: Zimu Khakhaleva-Li, Craig J. Hogan, , , | Summary: Rapid advancement in the observation of cosmic strings has been made in recent years placing increasingly stringent constraints on their properties, with $Gmulesssim 10^{-11}$ from Pulsar Timing Array (PTA). Cosmic string loops with low string tension clump […]

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New bounds on macroscopic scalar-field topological defects from non-transient signatures due to environmental dependence and spatial variations of the fundamental constants

Kavli Affiliate: Yevgeny V. Stadnik | First 5 Authors: Yevgeny V. Stadnik, , , , | Summary: We point out that in models of macroscopic topological defects composed of one or more scalar fields that interact with standard-model fields via scalar-type couplings, the back-action of ambient matter on the scalar field(s) produces an environmental dependence […]

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Quantifying the statistics of CMB-lensing-derived galaxy cluster mass measurements with simulations

Kavli Affiliate: Anthony Challinor | First 5 Authors: Íñigo Zubeldia, Anthony Challinor, , , | Summary: CMB lensing is a promising, novel way to measure galaxy cluster masses that can be used, e.g., for mass calibration in galaxy cluster counts analyses. Understanding the statistics of the galaxy cluster mass observable obtained with such measurements is […]

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Constraints on low-mass, relic dark matter candidates from a surface-operated SuperCDMS single-charge sensitive detector

Kavli Affiliate: D. B. Macfarlane | First 5 Authors: SuperCDMS Collaboration, D. W. Amaral, T. Aralis, T. Aramaki, I. J. Arnquist | Summary: This article presents an analysis and the resulting limits on light dark matter inelastically scattering off of electrons, and on dark photon and axion-like particle absorption, using a second-generation SuperCDMS high-voltage eV-resolution […]

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Quantum Algorithm for Approximating Maximum Independent Sets

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Hongye Yu, Frank Wilczek, Biao Wu, , | Summary: We present a quantum algorithm for approximating maximum independent sets of a graph based on quantum non-Abelian adiabatic mixing in the sub-Hilbert space of degenerate ground states, which generates quantum annealing in a secondary Hamiltonian. For both sparse […]

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Measuring HERA’s primary beam in-situ: methodology and first results

Kavli Affiliate: Jacqueline N. Hewitt | First 5 Authors: Chuneeta D. Nunhokee, Aaron R. Parsons, Nicholas S. Kern, Bojan Nikolic, Jonathan C. Pober | Summary: The central challenge in 21~cm cosmology is isolating the cosmological signal from bright foregrounds. Many separation techniques rely on the accurate knowledge of the sky and the instrumental response, including […]

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Bayesian Neural Networks at Scale: A Performance Analysis and Pruning Study

Kavli Affiliate: Elise Jennings | First 5 Authors: Himanshu Sharma, Elise Jennings, , , | Summary: Bayesian neural Networks (BNNs) are a promising method of obtaining statistical uncertainties for neural network predictions but with a higher computational overhead which can limit their practical usage. This work explores the use of high performance computing with distributed […]

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HD 62542: Probing the Bare, Dense Core of a Translucent Interstellar Cloud

Kavli Affiliate: Donald G. York | First 5 Authors: Daniel E. Welty, Paule Sonnentrucker, Theodore P. Snow, Donald G. York, | Summary: We discuss the interstellar absorption from many atomic and molecular species seen in high-resolution $HST$/STIS UV and high-S/N optical spectra of the moderately reddened B3-5~V star HD~62542. This remarkable sight line exhibits both […]

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Dynamical evolution of cosmic supermassive binary black holes and their gravitational wave radiation

Kavli Affiliate: Qingjuan Yu | First 5 Authors: Yunfeng Chen, Qingjuan Yu, Youjun Lu, , | Summary: We investigate the evolution of supermassive binary black holes (BBHs) in galaxies with realistic property distributions and the gravitational-wave (GW) radiation from the cosmic population of these BBHs. We incorporate a comprehensive treatment of the dynamical interactions of […]

Continue.. Dynamical evolution of cosmic supermassive binary black holes and their gravitational wave radiation