Hubble Space Telescope Snapshot Survey for Resolved Companions of Galactic Cepheids: Final Results

Kavli Affiliate: Moritz Guenther | First 5 Authors: Nancy Remage Evans, H. Moritz Guenther, Howard E. Bond, Gail H. Schaefer, Brian D. Mason | Summary: Cepheids in multiple systems provide information on the outcome of the formation of massive stars. They can also lead to exotic end-stage objects. This study concludes our survey of 70 […]

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Droplet-Edge Operators in Nonrelativistic Conformal Field Theories

Kavli Affiliate: Simeon Hellerman | First 5 Authors: Simeon Hellerman, Ian Swanson, , , | Summary: We consider the large-charge expansion of the charged ground state of a Schrodinger-invariant, nonrelativistic conformal field theory in a harmonic trap, in general dimension d. In the existing literature, the energy in the trap has been computed to next-to-leading […]

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Absorption-line Environments of High-redshift BOSS Quasars

Kavli Affiliate: Donald York | First 5 Authors: Chen Chen, Fred Hamann, Bo Ma, Britt Lundgren, Donald York | Summary: The early stage of massive galaxy evolution often involves outflows driven by a starburst or a central quasar plus cold mode accretion (infall), which adds to the mass build-up in the galaxies. To study the […]

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Curvature conditions for spatial isotropy

Kavli Affiliate: Pau Amaro Seoane | First 5 Authors: Kostas Tzanavaris, Pau Amaro Seoane, , , | Summary: In the context of mathematical cosmology, the study of necessary and sufficient conditions for a semi-Riemannian manifold to be a (generalised) Robertson-Walker space-time is important. In particular, it is a requirement for the development of initial data […]

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Two Candidate High-Redshift X-ray Jets Without Coincident Radio Jets

Kavli Affiliate: Herman Marshall | First 5 Authors: Daniel Schwartz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Brad Snios, Diana Worrall, Mark Birkinshaw | Summary: We report the detection of extended X-ray emission from two high-redshift radio quasars. These quasars, J1405+0415 at $z$=3.208 and J1610+1811 at $z$=3.118, were observed in a Chandra snapshot survey selected from a complete sample of […]

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Two Candidate High-Redshift X-ray Jets Without Coincident Radio Jets

Kavli Affiliate: Herman Marshall | First 5 Authors: Daniel Schwartz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Brad Snios, Diana Worrall, Mark Birkinshaw | Summary: We report the detection of extended X-ray emission from two high-redshift radio quasars. These quasars, J1405+0415 at $z$=3.208 and J1610+1811 at $z$=3.118, were observed in a Chandra snapshot survey selected from a complete sample of […]

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Metal-Poor Stars Observed with the Southern African Large Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Frebel | First 5 Authors: Kaitlin C. Rasmussen, Joseph Zepeda, Timothy C. Beers, Vinicius M. Placco, Eric Depagne | Summary: We present the first release of a large-scale study of relatively bright (V < 13.5) metal-poor stars observed with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), based on high-resolution spectra of 50 stars […]

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