Omnigrok: Grokking Beyond Algorithmic Data

Kavli Affiliate: Max Tegmark | First 5 Authors: Ziming Liu, Eric J. Michaud, Max Tegmark, , | Summary: Grokking, the unusual phenomenon for algorithmic datasets where generalization happens long after overfitting the training data, has remained elusive. We aim to understand grokking by analyzing the loss landscapes of neural networks, identifying the mismatch between training […]

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Gas Morphology of Milky Way-like Galaxies in the TNG50 Simulation: Signals of Twisting and Stretching

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Thomas K. Waters, Colton Peterson, Razieh Emami, Xuejian Shen, Lars Hernquist | Summary: We present an in-depth analysis of gas morphologies for a sample of 25 Milky Way-like galaxies from the IllustrisTNG TNG50 simulation. We constrain the morphology of cold, warm, hot gas, and gas particles as […]

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Uncertainty estimations methods for a deep learning model to aid in clinical decision-making — a clinician’s perspective

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Michael Dohopolski, Kai Wang, Biling Wang, Ti Bai, Dan Nguyen | Summary: Prediction uncertainty estimation has clinical significance as it can potentially quantify prediction reliability. Clinicians may trust ‘blackbox’ models more if robust reliability information is available, which may lead to more models being adopted into clinical […]

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ALPHA: Searching For Dark Matter with Plasma Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Millar, Steven M. Anlage, Rustam Balafendiev, Pavel Belov, Karl van Bibber | Summary: We summarise the recent progress of the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope (ALPHA) Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope […]

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Searching For Dark Matter with Plasma Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Millar, Steven M. Anlage, Rustam Balafendiev, Pavel Belov, Karl van Bibber | Summary: We summarise the recent progress of the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope (ALPHA) Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope […]

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Searching For Dark Matter with Plasma Haloscopes

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wilczek | First 5 Authors: Alexander J. Millar, Steven M. Anlage, Rustam Balafendiev, Pavel Belov, Karl van Bibber | Summary: We summarise the recent progress of the Axion Longitudinal Plasma HAloscope (ALPHA) Consortium, a new experimental collaboration to build a plasma haloscope to search for axions and dark photons. The plasma haloscope […]

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Neutrino propagation in the Earth and emerging charged leptons with $texttt{nuPyProp}$

Kavli Affiliate: Angela V. Olinto | First 5 Authors: Diksha Garg, Sameer Patel, Mary Hall Reno, Alexander Ruestle, Yosui Akaike | Summary: Ultra-high-energy neutrinos serve as messengers of some of the highest energy astrophysical environments. Given that neutrinos are neutral and only interact via weak interactions, neutrinos can emerge from sources, traverse astronomical distances, and […]

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