A Measurement of the CMB Temperature Power Spectrum and Constraints on Cosmology from the SPT-3G 2018 TT/TE/EE Data Set

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo | First 5 Authors: L. Balkenhol, D. Dutcher, A. Spurio Mancini, A. Doussot, K. Benabed | Summary: We present a sample-variance-limited measurement of the temperature power spectrum ($TT$) of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) using observations of a $sim! 1500 ,mathrm{deg}^2$ field made by SPT-3G in 2018. We report multifrequency power […]

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Assessing the C/O Ratio Formation Diagnostic: A Potential Trend with Companion Mass

Kavli Affiliate: Bruce Macintosh | First 5 Authors: Kielan K. W. Hoch, Quinn M. Konopacky, Christopher A. Theissen, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Travis S. Barman | Summary: The carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratio in an exoplanet atmosphere has been suggested as a potential diagnostic of planet formation. Now that a number of exoplanets have measured C/O ratios, it is […]

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Directional detection of dark matter with anisotropic response functions

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Christian Boyd, Yonit Hochberg, Yonatan Kahn, Eric David Kramer, Noah Kurinsky | Summary: Direct detection for sub-GeV dark matter is developing rapidly, with many novel experimental ideas and theoretical methods emerging. In this work, we extend the dielectric formalism for dark matter scattering to incorporate anisotropic material […]

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Directional detection of dark matter with anisotropic response functions

Kavli Affiliate: Noah Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Christian Boyd, Yonit Hochberg, Yonatan Kahn, Eric David Kramer, Noah Kurinsky | Summary: Direct detection for sub-GeV dark matter is developing rapidly, with many novel experimental ideas and theoretical methods emerging. In this work, we extend the dielectric formalism for dark matter scattering to incorporate anisotropic material […]

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Dual electro-optic frequency comb photonic thermometry

Kavli Affiliate: Zeeshan Ahmed | First 5 Authors: Adam J. Fleisher, Zeeshan Ahmed, Tobias Herman, Matthew R. Hartings, | Summary: We report a precision realization of photonic thermometry using dual-comb spectroscopy to interrogate a $pi$-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating. We achieve read-out stability of 7.5 mK at 1 s and resolve temperature changes of similar magnitude–sufficient […]

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Nostradamus: Weathering Worth

Kavli Affiliate: Zeeshan Ahmed | First 5 Authors: Alapan Chaudhuri, Zeeshan Ahmed, Ashwin Rao, Shivansh Subramanian, Shreyas Pradhan | Summary: Nostradamus, inspired by the French astrologer and reputed seer, is a detailed study exploring relations between environmental factors and changes in the stock market. In this paper, we analyze associative correlation and causation between environmental […]

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THESAN-HR: How does reionization impact early galaxy evolution?

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Vogelsberger | First 5 Authors: Josh Borrow, Rahul Kannan, Enrico Garaldi, Aaron Smith, Mark Vogelsberger | Summary: Early galaxies were the radiation source for reionization, with the photoheating feedback from the reionization process expected to reduce the efficiency of star formation in low mass haloes. Hence, to fully understand reionization and galaxy […]

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A General Framework for Removing Point Spread Function Additive Systematics in Cosmological Weak Lensing Analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Takada | First 5 Authors: Tianqing Zhang, Xiangchong Li, Roohi Dalal, Rachel Mandelbaum, Michael A. Strauss | Summary: Cosmological weak lensing measurements rely on a precise measurement of the shear two-point correlation function (2PCF) along with a deep understanding of systematics that affect it. In this work, we demonstrate a general framework […]

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Search for an invisible $Z^prime$ in a final state with two muons and missing energy at Belle II

Kavli Affiliate: T. Higuchi | First 5 Authors: Belle II Collaboration, I. Adachi, K. Adamczyk, L. Aggarwal, H. Ahmed | Summary: The $L_{mu}-L_{tau}$ extension of the standard model predicts the existence of a lepton-flavor-universality-violating $Z^{prime}$ boson that couples only to the heavier lepton families. We search for such a $Z^prime$ through its invisible decay in […]

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Effects of the interplay between fermionic interactions and disorders in the nodal-line superconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Wen-Hao Bian, Xiao-Zhuo Chu, Jing Wang, , | Summary: We study the interplay between fermion-fermion interactions and disorder scatterings beneath the superconducting dome of noncentrosymmetric nodal-line superconductors. With the application of renormalization group, several interesting low-energy behaviors are extracted from the coupled equations of all interaction parameters. […]

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