TOI-4562 b: A highly eccentric temperate Jupiter analog orbiting a young field star

Kavli Affiliate: Andrew M. Vanderburg | First 5 Authors: Alexis Heitzmann, George Zhou, Samuel N. Quinn, Chelsea X. Huang, Jiayin Dong | Summary: We report the discovery of TOI-4562 b (TIC-349576261), a Jovian planet orbiting a young F7V-type star, younger than the Praesepe/Hyades clusters (< $700$ Myr). This planet stands out because of its unusually […]

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Entropy Enhanced Multi-Agent Coordination Based on Hierarchical Graph Learning for Continuous Action Space

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Yining Chen, Ke Wang, Guanghua Song, Xiaohong Jiang, | Summary: In most existing studies on large-scale multi-agent coordination, the control methods aim to learn discrete policies for agents with finite choices. They rarely consider selecting actions directly from continuous action spaces to provide more accurate control, which […]

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SLAC Microresonator RF (SMuRF) Electronics: A tone-tracking readout system for superconducting microwave resonator arrays

Kavli Affiliate: Kent D. Irwin | First 5 Authors: Cyndia Yu, Zeeshan Ahmed, Josef C. Frisch, Shawn W. Henderson, Max Silva-Feaver | Summary: We describe the newest generation of the SLAC Microresonator RF (SMuRF) electronics, a warm digital control and readout system for microwave-frequency resonator-based cryogenic detector and multiplexer systems such as microwave SQUID multiplexers […]

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SLAC Microresonator RF (SMuRF) Electronics: A tone-tracking readout system for superconducting microwave resonator arrays

Kavli Affiliate: Kent D. Irwin | First 5 Authors: Cyndia Yu, Zeeshan Ahmed, Josef C. Frisch, Shawn W. Henderson, Max Silva-Feaver | Summary: We describe the newest generation of the SLAC Microresonator RF (SMuRF) electronics, a warm digital control and readout system for microwave-frequency resonator-based cryogenic detector and multiplexer systems such as microwave SQUID multiplexers […]

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Gauge Theory Couplings on Anisotropic Lattices

Kavli Affiliate: Marcela Carena | First 5 Authors: Marcela Carena, Erik J. Gustafson, Henry Lamm, Ying-Ying Li, Wanqiang Liu | Summary: The advantage of simulating lattice field theory with quantum computers is hamstrung by the limited resources that induce large errors from finite volume and sizable lattice spacings. Previous work has shown how classical simulations […]

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Extending empirical constraints on the SZ-mass scaling relation to higher redshifts via HST weak lensing measurements of nine clusters from the SPT-SZ survey at $zgtrsim1$

Kavli Affiliate: Michael A. McDonald | First 5 Authors: Hannah Zohren, Tim Schrabback, Sebastian Bocquet, Martin Sommer, Fatimah Raihan | Summary: We present a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) weak gravitational lensing study of nine distant and massive galaxy clusters with redshifts $1.0 lesssim z lesssim 1.7$ ($z_mathrm{median} = 1.4$) and Sunyaev Zel’dovich (SZ) detection significance […]

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A comparison between compactly supported rigid and $pmb{mathscr{D}}$-module cohomology

Kavli Affiliate: Tomoyuki Abe | First 5 Authors: Tomoyuki Abe, Christopher Lazda, , , | Summary: The goal of this article is to prove a comparison theorem between rigid cohomology and cohomology computed using the theory of arithmetic $mathscr{D}$-modules. To do this, we construct a specialisation functor from Le Stum’s category of constructible isocrystals to […]

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The emph{R}-Process Alliance: Chemo-Dynamically Tagged Groups II. An Extended Sample of Halo $r$-Process-Enhanced Stars

Kavli Affiliate: Anna Frebel | First 5 Authors: Derek Shank, Timothy C. Beers, Vinicius M. Placco, Dmitrii Gudin, Thomas Catapano | Summary: Orbital characteristics based on Gaia Early Data Release 3 astrometric parameters are analyzed for ${sim} 1700$ $r$-process-enhanced (RPE; [Eu/Fe] $> +0.3$) metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] $leq -0.8$) compiled from the $R$-Process Alliance, the GALactic […]

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Reversible Data hiding in Encrypted Domain with Public Key Embedding Mechanism

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Yan Ke, Minqing Zhang, Xinpeng Zhang, Yiliang Han, Jia Liu | Summary: Considering the prospects of public key embedding (PKE) mechanism in active forensics on the integrity or identity of ciphertext for distributed deep learning security, two reversible data hiding in encrypted domain (RDH-ED) algorithms with PKE […]

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Ultimate limits and prospects of long-baseline optical fiber interferometry

Kavli Affiliate: Nergis Mavalvala | First 5 Authors: Christopher Hilweg, Danial Shadmany, Philip Walther, Nergis Mavalvala, Vivishek Sudhir | Summary: Today’s most precise optical instruments — gravitational-wave interferometers and optical atomic clocks — rely on long storage times for photons to realize their exquisite sensitivity. Optical fiber technology is the most widely deployed platform for […]

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