JADES + JEMS: A Detailed Look at the Buildup of Central Stellar Cores and Suppression of Star Formation in Galaxies at Redshifts 3 < z < 4.5

Kavli Affiliate: Roberto Maiolino | First 5 Authors: Zhiyuan Ji, Christina C. Williams, Sandro Tacchella, Katherine A. Suess, William M. Baker | Summary: We present a spatially resolved study of stellar populations in 6 galaxies with stellar masses $M_*sim10^{10}M_odot$ at $zsim3.7$ using 14-filter JWST/NIRCam imaging from the JADES and JEMS surveys. The 6 galaxies are […]

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Highly asymmetric probability distribution from a finite-width upward step during inflation

Kavli Affiliate: Misao Sasaki | First 5 Authors: Ryodai Kawaguchi, Tomohiro Fujita, Misao Sasaki, , | Summary: We study a single-field inflation model in which the inflaton potential has an upward step between two slow-roll regimes by taking into account the finite width of the step. We calculate the probability distribution function (PDF) of the […]

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Astrometric Calibration of the Beijing$-$Arizona Sky Survey

Kavli Affiliate: Linhua Jiang | First 5 Authors: Xiyan Peng, Zhaoxiang Qi, Tianmeng Zhang, Zhenyu Wu, Zhimin Zhou | Summary: We present the astrometric calibration of the Beijing-Arizona Sky Survey (BASS). The BASS astrometry was tied to the International Celestial Reference Frame via the emph{Gaia} Data Release 2 reference catalog. For effects that were stable […]

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WELL: Applying Bug Detectors to Bug Localization via Weakly Supervised Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Zhuo Li, Huangzhao Zhang, Zhi Jin, Ge Li, | Summary: Bug localization, which is used to help programmers identify the location of bugs in source code, is an essential task in software development. Researchers have already made efforts to harness the powerful deep learning (DL) techniques to […]

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Cluster Cosmology Without Cluster Finding

Kavli Affiliate: Risa H. Wechsler | First 5 Authors: Enia Xhakaj, Alexie Leauthaud, Johannes Lange, Elisabeth Krause, Andrew Hearin | Summary: We propose that observations of super-massive galaxies contain cosmological constraining power similar to conventional cluster cosmology, and we provide promising indications that the associated systematic errors are comparably easier to control. We consider a […]

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Resolving the Binary Components of the Outbursting Protostar HBC 494 with ALMA

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Pedro Henrique Nogueira, Alice Zurlo, Sebastián Pérez, Camilo González-Ruilova, Lucas A. Cieza | Summary: Episodic accretion is a low-mass pre-main sequence phenomenon characterized by sudden outbursts of enhanced accretion. These objects are classified into two: protostars with elevated levels of accretion that lasts for decades or […]

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